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News   Sep 26, 2024
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What's the future for the Conservative Party?

My precious Liberals? I am not a member of the party...

Sorry for my subtle dig. But just an observation though, you do seem to get extraordinary delight out of every perceived right wing/ centre right politicians' missteps. What happened to fair and balanced in discourse? Surely there's a place for pro-conservative viewpoints here too, you know.
Surely there's a place for pro-conservative viewpoints here too, you know.

There's room for all viewpoints, however, they must come unencumbered by nonsense. :)

Believe me, for someone who is a massive non-fan of all of the Liberals, Conservatives, and NDP, I have to put up with all sorts of viewpoints I'd rather not have the misfortune of encountering. :p

Like whatever the hell @BurlOak is usually on about.
Or all the ahem "progressives" going on about how precious we all are. Or, no, wait, how precious some of us are.
Then there's the FPTP love fest. ?

Anyway, you've been saying some weird and reactionary things in the last few days. @Videodrome is most assuredly not a Liberal. Your confusing Scottish independence with Brexit was strange and ill-informed. And your comment about "everyone" having a fit when conservative politicos do well was, well, intellectually bunk.

Anyway, I personally enjoy a good balance. So please carry on, just try and think things through a bit more. :)
I am more of an independent right now and would support a centre-right party if the circumstances were right. What turns me off is SoCon nonsense and populism, hence my current dislike of the Ford PC's and CPC with Scheer as leader.

Also, I get just as much amusement out of NDP and left leaning blunders as I do conservative ones. Probably why I have only voted NDP once in my life and for purely strategic purposes.
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Look at those poor numbers for Chong.

Man, that party is doomed.

MacKay's pretty reasonable too but I haven't trusted him since he LIED about selling out the PCs in that particular leadership race back in my high school days.
He's a lying self-interested sellout and that's that. (Kinda like Trudeau! Beat them at their own game!).

Also, why is Jordan Peterson even on that list? He's about as interested in that particular job as I am....which is to say, I'd rather join a union/watch baseball/get shot.

Ambrose is reasonable as well though so they may still get away with making something other than a piss-poor choice.

Best of luck.
Jean Charest is thinking about running to replace Andrew Scheer as federal Conservative Party leader, according to sources close to the former Quebec premier. Those sources told Radio-Canada, CBC's French language service, that Charest is consulting with his family.

Charest hadn't been seriously considering a leadership run before several sitting and former MPs reached out and urged him to do so, according to sources.

The sources said Charest is being drawn toward the leadership race by his focus on a number of issues facing the country right now, including national unity, the environment and Canada's place on the international stage.
Look at those poor numbers for Chong.

Well, they're not *bad* numbers, really, for what they are--it's just skewed by the "don't knows" being so high. And besides, even within the Harper caucus or as a leadership contender, he's never really been that much of a press magnet--or at least the press hasn't been magnetically drawn to him in order to bring attention to him. Maybe being in the moderate camp means he's insufficiently ruthless for people to notice...
It's hard for me to fathom voting Conservative, but Bernard Lord or Jean Charest would be adequate PMs in my book.

Mate, I almost took out a membership in the party just to vote for Chong in the last leadership race and I still wouldn't have voted Conservative. ?
That's how much I like the dude and think he's what we all need.

My local candidate was a cool guy too. I spoke with him for close to 20 minutes at my door during the election. Still wouldn't have voted Conservative. Told him this within the first two minutes of our convo because of their refusal to enact a real carbon price (the Liberal one is weak!). We ended up chatting about the effects of carbon pricing, life in Russia, our hate of fascists and was great. I wished him luck and off he went.

We can like all sorts of people but some people just surround themselves with the wrong crowd. :p
