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What to do with the Holy Land?


Senior Member
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Mar 1, 2009
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For hundreds of years, the Holy Land has been one of the most hotly contested pieces of real estate on Earth. Essentially since time immemorial, we've had different groups laying claim to this small tract of land. And now, we've got a serious crisis when it comes to the question of what we should do with it. Israel's claimed all the land on the basis that it is the Jewish Promised Land, while it has also been the home to Palestinians for centuries. As a result, we now have a divided territory, with both sides wanting their fair share of the land.

So, in the interests of creating a thought-provoking debate, what do the members of UT think should happen with the Holy Land? I think we can all agree that the current system in place is not sustainable for the future. So what should Israel, Palestine, and the International Community do? I'm quite interested to hear. :)
Land here on earth is not holy because people claim it to be is it?
Water is really holy because.....?
The middle east conflict is about hate, hate is based on pure ignorance and the crimes of human beings. Why does this become an international problem to solve? Why is our Canadian Native peoples "problem" not an international problem that we freely want others to help us solve?
Well, really that problem is based on the macho culture of the Middle East. Who's got the biggest rocks or guns matters there. The folks with the biggest guns (and money) win. Which explains why First Nations will never win here, notwithstanding the fact they all come from smaller tribes scattered around the country all with different agendas and beliefs. Besides, who in today's Canada is openingly attacking FN's people with rocks, missiles and American military expertise?

Finally, name one FN's owned newspaper you read on a daily basis?
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Jade_lee: This problem with the Holy Land's been ongoing for the past 50 years, and there's been a huge issue for millenia. Do you not think that a diplomatic solution needs to be solved? Yes, Aboriginal people in Canada need tonnes of help. However, that's an issue of both the government taking action and of money being dealt out for infrastructure/housing/community programs. The Israel-Palestine conflict is all about the international community coming together to find a good, strong solution. Two completely different ballparks. And if Aboriginals were of a similar method to solve their problems, it's still not crazy to think we can achieve both. If we take bite-sized chunks out of everything like that, this century of problems will collapse in on itself. No, we need to solve everything.

But this isn't about First Nations. This is what should happen to the Holy Land. Urbandreamer, I'm intrigued as to how you're going to accomplish your solution :rolleyes:
well, for starters, people should stop referring to it as the "holy land". outsiders are making this area out to be more important than it should be and it is inflating the ego of those who live there. maybe* if it was just plain old land minus the holy, the two opposing groups would be more willing to negotiate.

*i don't expect the land that gave birth to a religious concept that people are born guilty to ever see peace anytime soon.
Prometheus, I don't think calling the Holy Land by that name is really making it more important than it is. The land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean is actually one of the most sacred lands in the entire world. It is the holiest land in Christianity and Judaism, and essentially the second holiest in Islam. There's a lot of people that think that area's quite special, and it is. It's got a lot of history going for it, both religious (homeland of the Jews, birthplace of Christ, etc.) and non-religious (ancient cities and architecture.)
The answer is easy. Stop sending aid. Why ours and the US's tax dollars go to both countries is beyond me. Let them figure out, I need my money for the HST.
^I thought that was Rome.
No. Rome's name recognition as far as Christianity is concerned has a lot to do with being the only one of the five ancient Patriarchates to never fall under Muslim rule. Relatively speaking, Rome played a minor part during the early centuries of Christianity.
It would be nice if the problems there could be solved once and for all. As others have pointed out, these problems have existed in one way or another since the beginning of history. Somehow I doubt Hilary Clinton or Barack Obama can solve them.
^ But I bet Disney could solve the problems. We simply sell the whole place to them, turn everyone living there into contract workers, and create rides for those looking for the religious experience. We could call it "Holy Land Land".

I could see it:

How was your trip to Holy Land Land?

Not so great. The communion burgers were overpriced (12 Euros each!) and the lines at the Stages of the Cross Coaster or the Drop-Into-Hell-Zone were horrible! Next year I'm going to MormonLand instead.
