Oh, that is quite nice.
^You're not the first person who asked if i'm on drugs Many of my former co-workers wondered if I was an addict cause i always had wacky things to say and chatted and was hilarious and had little "stories" to tell. Nah, like Caltrane (if i recall correctly) I'm your typical optimistic hyper active childish sagittarian...dreamer
I like old people--they paid for the sidewalks I walk on.
Redroom: interesting i kinda know a Sag in your area of Ontario that has similar background--wonder if it's you? I'm a guy btw and hetero--went on a date today don't know if she's the "right" one. Have never been into drugs--but may need prozac soon if i'm a bachelor much longer
Okay, you two need to get a room... with separate beds of course. PM please.
Yup, 500 Sherbourne.What's going on the other side of the lot? another condo?