sorry I should use spell check to make you happy?.
That won't help with the lack of correct punctuation. Also, sentences begin with a capitalized letter. Just thought I'd mention that.
...the amount of money is spent trying to clean it up why not go after the source of the problem...taggers and those who throw trash on the ground instead of hiring a army of cleaners trying to catch up to the mess,hire them to go after the offenders.City hall is a waste land of little kids arguing over any issue that is not part of the "party line".Miller is socialist media whore who has no clue how to fix the city problems without throwing millions of taxpayers money at it.I vote for Minnan Wong if he runs for mayor.
Then there is the problem logic. Instead of an "army" of cleaners, you are suggesting an army of enforcement personnel to go after offenders. Would this be any less expensive? In the end, you'd still need the cleaners.
Maybe you can spell out what a "socialist media whore" is. Are you suggesting he gets paid to be in the news to espouse what you perceive to be socialist views? What is it that you are trying to communicate? Isn't the mayor (who was elected) supposed to be communicating with the citizens of the city?
As for Minnan-Wong, let's see if he runs for mayor. Somehow I have my doubts he would do something so daring.