There's a lot of things that the provinces should maybe do. They aren't interested though. And no federal party is interested in making them do so. That makes all these hypotheticals pointless.Maybe each province should pay a portion of the passenger rail that runs through their province. However,I doubt ON or QC would be happy with the amount they would have to pay.
And I'm not sure why they should either. They are spending billions every year building public transit in cities. Intercity transport is low on their priority list. And rightfully so, when virtually every local transport project has better returns on ridership, economics and emissions. There's a lot of transit problems to solve before intercity travel is important. About the only exception to that rule is the Corridor, which the feds understand to be economically, environmentally and politically important. The rest of VIA is mandated charity for remote communities. They don't need to spend a penny more than is necessary.