I'm curious to know if the fourth bidder that was removed from consideration was from Asia because not seeing a Japanese, Korean, or Chinese consortium is surprising, although I can imagine a Chinese bid being problematic considering the currently strained political relations.
Cadence: Aligned to SNCF operations, CDPQ financing, SNC Lavalin construction. I would imagine CDPQ and SNC Lavalin are leading this. Interesting overlap in who is in this bid and who could make a quality connection at Gare Centrale possible.
Intercity: A real interesting group including Renefe, First Rail (UK) operations, and RATP (Paris Métro). Kilmer which is a trucking company? I would imagine this is really a bid Ellisdon is leading. This looks like a strong engineering and construction team that invited operators onto the team because that was the gap in their skill set.
QConnexion: Deutsche Bahn operations, Fengate financing, and Bechtel construction. Fengate taking the lead perhaps.
Not surprised that rolling stock and equipment partners are not included (like Alstom) personally because this team is going to design, build, and operate so having an equipment manufacturer at the table might limit the ability to get the best deal.