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US Midterm Election

I will call it.

Democrat-controlled Senate
It is a good start for the Democrats to rebuild. My only concern is that they use the mommentum they have from tonight and don't stop. The Republicans still seem to be more organized and have their network well in place, unlike the Democrats who may have a lot of descenting voices but still lack a centralized structure. If they can overcome that, they will have a chance in '08.

I can't even imagine the spectacle, or perhaps debacle, that the election in two years will be.

Are any networks calling a Democrat controlled senate or are they still waiting like CNN?
No network so far is calling the Senate although most are calling Missouri for (D)McCaskill ... who who like (D)Webb came from losing for most of the early count.

It looks like a done deal. Dems take both houses! :D
And Webb seems to be gaining more of a lead, over 10,000 now. Who knows, it might even be over by tonight/early morning.

Or not. Seems a recount is inevitable. Oh well, so long as the Democrats go into it winning the senate thats fine by me (even if the recount and voter problems they have had over the past elections is becoming total nonsense).
Going to bed now... but as of 1:30 it looks like the Dems may take both houses (with a little help in the Senate).

Impeaching Bush? Now there's a thought that should give me nice dreams tonight.
In Virginia the gap has doubled from 3,000 to now 6,000 votes. Webb and the Democrats seem safe there now.

It's a done deal, looks like my hopes for a short Bush mandate can come true.

If Bush gets frisky and vetos any of the Dem's important motions, they'll bring up the issues that would have gotten him impeached long time ago if it weren't for the Republicans propping him up.

I think impeaching Bush would be a good way to reconcile with the world community who went from sympathetic after 2001 to hating the USA's arrogant stance in the world.

Rodham-Clinton 2008! ... it begins tomorrow.
All I can say is watch Montana. That is my only concern.

EDIT: NBC: Montana governor says Senate race will be called soon (2:30 AM EST)
It has been an interesting night and there is still a chance, a respectable one at that, the Democrats could take the senate.

The world feels just a little less doomed today.

Actually, some are saying that the Webb lead will be over .5% by tomorrow, after they have counted all the provisional ballots from mostly Democratic areas. Democrats are fairly confident that the recount will not be necessary, and that Webb's lead will increase.
No news network will call the Senate election until at least the final provisional ballots have been counted in Virginia.

I'm listening on NPR at the moment. There is some indication that Tester's lead might drop some as more Republican-leaning districts report in, so Montana is not safely Democratic just yet.
Yeah, while Virginia's race is widening, the one in Montana is getting closer with 25% of the vote still to be counted. eek!
Good News: Seems as if the Missouri Ammendment to allow for Stem Cell Research will indeed pass with 51% advantage (Why must everything about this election be THAT tight? geez).
Otherwise, the guy in the middle's now a New York State congressman-elect
A Republican (really) friend who was constantly miffed that I constantly referred to the Bush Admin as "The Evil Empire" (not to be confused with my other "the evil empire") sent me this last night:

We are on the SAME page politically, at long last. The Evil Empire indeed must come down... ...I went out and voted to bring the Evil down.

When I read that, I went "WHOA!" and ducked in case of incoming Pendulum.

Antiloop33rpm wrote:

"The world feels just a little less doomed today."

--and the GTA even a little less rainy.

The Misssissauga Muse
The Dems holding power bodes good things for Canada too.
