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1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

Re: New Subway Car Layout Sharply Criticized by Commissioner

The TTC staff specifically said that the perimeter layout would not increase capacity. It would, however, improve circulation in the car. They would also install centre stanchions along with the perimeter seating, though disabilities groups have already emerged to oppose that plan.
Re: New Subway Car Layout Sharply Criticized by Commissioner

That perimeter seating would increase capacity is a myth - with legs facing inwards in the perimeter seats, the forwards/backwards seats take up no more room.

The TTC Staff were bullshitting those who went to the March RR meeting. They claimed that the full cab width was to prevent passengers to see suicide and suicide attempts. The real reason is for door operation and for electrics and mechanics that would take up that room. Why not be honest? After all, people on the platforms would still see?

They also claimed that all perimeter seating would be safer in the case of a terrorist act, as the forward/backward seats would not be blocking slightlines. I guess made up claims using the fear of terrorism and suicides are used to score easy points in a debate.

The TTC has amongst the widest subway cars in the world. Why not keep the forwards/backwards seats if passengers want them, increases comfort and makes it easier for more to sit, with minimal difference (if any) in standing capacity?
Re: New Subway Car Layout Sharply Criticized by Commissioner

Moscoe pointed out the exact same thing: the TTC's cars are much wider than most of the examples the staff used as a model of perimeter seating.
Re: New Subway Car Layout Sharply Criticized by Commissioner

Is it a myth?

If technically, based upon manufactorer specs it wouldn't increase capacity, but practically, might it based upon space/time patterns of commutters?

Technically, a subway car has the same capacity, regardless if there are people there shoving commutters in like in Tokyo, vs. if there are no such people, but practically, it does.
Re: New Subway Car Layout Sharply Criticized by Commissioner

I prefer the current layouts by quite a bit. Much easier to talk with people!
Re: New Subway Car Layout Sharply Criticized by Commissioner

'Cattle-car' subway, metal seats get the bum's rush from TTC
Go back to the drawing board, commissioners tell the designers


After months of anticipation, Toronto transit commissioners finally got their first look yesterday at the interior design plans for their new subway cars.

They told the designers to try again.

"It looks more like a cattle car to me," TTC chairman Howard Moscoe bellowed during a discussion of the design presented by Chris Heald, manager for the $750-million subway car project to replace the 30-year-old H-4 and H-5 cars being used now.

Mr. Heald showed the subway car designs of 11 other large urban centres around the world -- including New York, Tokyo and Hong Kong -- which use the perimeter seating design, as a comparison for what the new Toronto subway cars could look like.

Multiple seats would be grouped together along the walls with support beams running down the centre aisle and handles dangling from the ceiling.

Passengers would also be able to walk between cars while the train is in motion.

Mr. Heald listed the advantages, derived from an internal survey: passenger comfort and flow, reduced stop times in stations, lower costs associated with cleaning, reduction of the potential for vandalism, elimination of dead space, safety and security.

He emphasized the latter two and, citing the Madrid bombings of 2004, noted that metal seats with no space beneath them are better suited for a post-9/11 world.

But the plan landed with a thud.

Commissioners did not conceal their disappointment; they shook their heads and sighed often and audibly through the presentation.

While scoffing at the value of the internal survey, Mr. Moscoe roared to Mr. Heald: "Why didn't you ask any paying customers?"

Commissioners told the designer to conduct a new survey.

The commissioners also objected to doing away with the T1 model subway cars with padded forward-facing dual seats.

"I mean really, how do you expect people to get comfortable on a metal seat?" Mr. Moscoe asked.

Mr. Heald responded that he personally would not prefer to use metal seats, but suggested them "as a last resort with . . . only safety in mind."

"The 'cattle car' might be safer but our cars are safe right now, why change a good thing?" Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker asked.

David Fisher, a member of the Rocket Riders group, told the meeting he liked the perimeter seating design but was appalled by the metal seats.

For riders interviewed after the meeting at three downtown subway stations, comfort seemed to top their list of priorities in a redesigned subway car.

"I definitely don't like the metal seats. What's wrong with the ones we have now?" rider Sanni Yu asked.
Re: New Subway Car Layout Sharply Criticized by Commissioner

Last time i checked, i didn't board a subway to be comfortable. I take it to get to work faster. If we can speed up the loading and unloading of cars, I'd be much happier than having some comfortable seat i never get to use anyway.

I'm sure if you polled every single person in this city, they'd all love big plush leather couches but we can't all have our cake and eat it too.
Re: New Subway Car Layout Sharply Criticized by Commissioner

Perhaps the TTC can run these trains during the rush hour, where they'd provide the most benefit at the time where "comfort" should take a back seat to efficiency.

Re: New Subway Car Layout Sharply Criticized by Commissioner

I would even suggested retractable seeting, where the seats fold up during rush hour, for more standing room - except for disability seating.
Re: New Subway Car Layout Sharply Criticized by Commissioner

This whole debate is stupid. Tell the Thunder Bay plant to start churning out more T1s. They can do it today, and those trains are needed now. Why reinvent the wheel here? They are perfectly good trains and I don't mind them.
Re: New Subway Car Layout Sharply Criticized by Commissioner

I personally don't mind perimeter seating, but I really hope the seats are padded. Hong Kong's MTR trains have steel benches that aren't really comfortable. Some of the seats on the KCR commuter rail are worse- not only are they steel seats, they also have little bumps on them like the seating in the new bus shelters here. You have to pay an extra fare to get into the First Class car, which has airliner seats.

Tokyo's perimeter seating subway cars have heavily padded seats. Apparently Tokyo has really comfortable seating because it isn't worried about vandalism.

Re: New Subway Car Layout Sharply Criticized by Commissioner


Actually, I miss the stainless steel seats at MTR quite a bit - smooth, relatively easy to clean, cool to the touch - very clinical, which is exactly what I expected public transit to be.

Re: New Subway Car Layout Sharply Criticized by Commissioner

"This whole debate is stupid. Tell the Thunder Bay plant to start churning out more T1s. They can do it today, and those trains are needed now. Why reinvent the wheel here? They are perfectly good trains and I don't mind them."

They answered this question at the last Rocket Riders meeting. The T1 design is now 16 years old, and compared to what is the standard for today's new subway trains, the T1s are unreliable, highly energy inefficient, less safe, and substandard. The TTC needs to redesign for the next batch of cars because they're falling behind.

I seem to remember that your solution to the designing of the new streetcars was to bring back the PCCs. Have something against technology?
Re: New Subway Car Layout Sharply Criticized by Commissioner

Steve Munro lays it all out and sets everyone straight...

TTC Cattle Cars Part 3: Passengers 2, Staff 1

I’m at a loss knowing where to begin on this. If you’ve been following this thread, you will know that TTC staff really, really want their new subway cars to use “perimeter seatingâ€. This means that all of the seats face inward and there are no forward or rearward facing seats, no conversation nooks. As if that isn’t bad enough, they want to use metallic seats with no cushions. [Let us imagine a short theatrical pause here so you can catch your breath.]

This particular scheme has been before the public twice before that I know of. The first outing was at February’s TTC meeting where it did not win high praise. My own posts on the subject started about that time. More recently, TTC staff showed up at a Rocket Riders meeting to talk about their design. On that occasion, it appeared that both the new perimeter design and the existing T-1 compartment design were both on the table. So far, so good.

When the agenda for today’s meeting came out, I was curious that there was to be a presentation leading to a recommendation about the seating layout. That was putting it mildly.

The Commissioners were treated to a heavy-handed, arrogant, condescending presentation on why we must have this seating layout and approve it now, today. Hello? What’s going on here? What is the purpose of “Public Participation†including a car mockup on display at Dundas Square and the CNE if we are going to pick the design before the model is even built?

It gets better. Again we heard how “FTA Requirements†make transverse seats a problem because it’s easier to hide things under them. After some prodding, staff admitted that they were “guidelinesâ€, not “requirements†and in any event the U.S. Federal Transportation Administration has no jurisdiction in Canada, only in the USA.

Next we learned that the reason for getting rid of the padded seats is to reduce the fire load in the cars. There is a target (apparently an internal TTC staff target, not one mandated by any regulation) to reduce the fire load (the amount of combustible material) in subway cars by 25%. Hmmm. Look! Those seat pads burn, and there’s about 70 of them on each car. Let’s just get rid of them!

Maybe we should ignore the plastic and cardboard in all the advertising signs, or the constant accumulation of newspapers that the TTC seems unable to clean up, sometimes for days at a time on their trains.

Accessibility issues came into play too. Originally, the cars were to have no centre stanchions, only side poles running from the seat frames up to the roof. This was what ACAT (the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit) were told last fall. However, along the way, someone decided that the poles should go in the middle to encourage people to face toward the centre of the car rather than looming over the seated passengers. ACAT is not pleased.

Finally, we are told that this type of seating is the way the world is going, and many examples were shown. What was cleverly omitted were two facts: (1) almost all of the cars shown were narrower than the Toronto car and would not easily accommodate pairs of transverse seats, and (2) many of the cars shown came from systems with a long history of bench seating where passengers don’t get any alternative.

Staff even had the nerve to show the interior of the SRT cars as an example of a Toronto car converted to bench seating. They failed to mention that the SRT cars are much narrower than subway cars and the original transverse seating produced problems for passenger circulation and capacity. Moreover, the plan to rejig the seats was never presented to the Commission for approval — it just happened.

Chair Howard Moscoe, speaking with a level of passion and outrage I have not heard at the TTC for a long time, tore a strip off staff for manifestly going contrary to what riders want and what the TTC needs to make the system attractive. He pointed out that when the T-1’s were first proposed, they were to have perimeter seating, but riders rejected them by a 70-30 margin. Has the staff surveyed anyone? Only other staff, it appears. Some sample.

Staff even admitted that if they show people both an existing car and the new proposal, passengers will choose the current layout. They admitted that despite “safety†being touted as an important reason for the new design, the current cars were indeed “safeâ€. It’s only a matter of degree and interpretation, not of necessity.

Meanwhile, in Chicago, the transit authority tried the same stunt and riders turned it down. The CTA went ahead anyhow and was roundly criticized for their insensitivity to rider preferences.

What does TTC staff want to do? Build a mock up of the new car and “educate†people about its advantages for safety, security and various other features. In an attempt to show some fairness, staff list off various aspects of car design. Of these, 29% are unaffected by the seating layout, 10% are positive for the existing T-1 layout, and the remaining 61% are positive for the perimeter design. We will just ignore the fact that several of the points in that 61% double count related aspects of the design, and nowhere are the weights assigned to each factor listed.

Attempting to trivialize concerns, staff mentioned that only 12 seats on each new car would face forward (because the trains have gangways, we lose the 6 transverse seats at the ends of most cars). Staff totally missed the point that people want a transverse seat (forward or backward) because it is more comfortable than being jostled sideways. They want L-shaped groupings of seats to ease conversation among groups of riders.

I would love to report that the Commission read the riot act to staff, trashed the new layout and said “get on with building to the current designâ€. Not quite. Staff were told to find out what changes riders want to the T-1 layout, but there is still likely going to be a mockup of the perimeter layout. Be prepared to be re-educated.

There is a point where I completely lose patience with TTC folk who have no respect for public input and who abuse the process simply to get an endorsement of a plan already in motion. We saw some of this on St. Clair, and we need to guard that it doesn’t happen again on St. Clair or in the Waterfront plans.

There are many dedicated people working at the TTC who run a good transit system under trying conditions day-in and day-out. But the ham-fisted, we-know-what’s-best-for-you brigade give them all a bad name. TTC staff exist to serve the public, not the other way around. If they don’t understand this concept, they should seek employment elsewhere.
Re: New Subway Car Layout Sharply Criticized by Commissioner

They answered this question at the last Rocket Riders meeting. The T1 design is now 16 years old, and compared to what is the standard for today's new subway trains, the T1s are unreliable, highly energy inefficient, less safe, and substandard. The TTC needs to redesign for the next batch of cars because they're falling behind
Who's "they"? And what is the "standard"? By what measurement? New York? Chicago? LA? Paris? Berlin? Madrid?Different cities, different systems, different needs. Unsafe? Unreliable? What does that mean? Compared to what? Has there been a major accident with a T1? Inefficient? Every TTC report I've ever read stated that when T1s become the dominant piece of equipment on a given line, delays were reduced. Unsafe? Does the TTC just let unsafe vehicles operate without evaluation? Help me out here. Falling behind? Behind who? Behind lavishly subsidized European systems that can afford the shiniest, prettiest trains? New York? The newish R142s I rode up and down Broadway were nice, but nothing fancy. The newer R160s coming in seem like an evolution from that design, not a radical departure. Utilitarian, sure. But "falling behind"? I don't think so. They get the job done (scratchitti-proof windows too. Now THAT'S innovative).
I seem to remember that your solution to the designing of the new streetcars was to bring back the PCCs. Have something against technology?
Only when it's not necessary and superfluous. Besides, the PCCs had a pretty damn good run. Think the CLRVs would last 50 odd years? Or look at the Fishbowls. How many different models of bus has the TTC gone through, meanwhile those throwbacks keep doing the job, year after year. So no, I'm not into this whole gee-whiz, look-at-me type of trains when improving upon an existing design would do just as well, and probably be faster and cheaper to boot. If the exisitng T1 design is so bad, then improve upon it. Just what is so bad about those trains anyway? And the design may be 16 years old, but the newest of those trains are only, what, five or six? And now they're obsolete junk all of a sudden? Do we know this for a fact? When did this happen?
