TTC testing new accessibility features at York Mills Station
Sept. 20, 2022
The TTC is seeking feedback from customers on new accessibility features currently being tested in the bus terminal of York Mills Station.
The features are part of the TTC’s ongoing commitment to ensuring the transit experience is as barrier-free as possible.
“As the TTC moves toward full accessibility, we are always looking for new and creative ways to ensure our customers’ needs are being met. The feedback we receive on these new features and others will ensure we are doing that,” said TTC CEO Rick Leary.
Features being tested at York Mills Station are:
• Red tactile wayfinding guidance tiles leading to the front door of all of the 9 bus stops to help customers with vision loss find their bus;
• A “first on, last off” decal on the ground intended for customers using mobility devices to wait at to help them board first (it is in clear line of sight to the bus operator as they arrive);
• Stop poles at each stop which include tactile and braille route information, bus bay numbers and information about the ground decals; and
• Bus bay numbers above the doors leading onto the bus platform.
These enhancements will be especially beneficial to customers with low vision and those using mobility devices. The features will also help operators better align their buses to each stop in a more consistent manner.
As part of the pilot project, the TTC will do on-site customer surveying between Sept. 20 and Oct. 2. Customers will also be able to provide feedback by completing the suggestion form on the Customer Service section on, by phone at 416-393-3030 or by email to
The results of the pilot and customer feedback will help the TTC as work to make the system fully accessible by 2025 continues.