The TTC used to own rail grinders but I do not recall ever seeing notices about a major streetcar rail grinding project in recent years.
Streetcar track maintenance
Rail grinding for 2016
Work description and purpose
As part of its streetcar track maintenance program and state of good repair, TTC will be conducting rail grinding along a number of sections of its streetcar network that developed some rail roughness.
The TTC has obtained a contracted service to provide the rail grinding. This work is intended to improve the current condition of the rail surface which will aid in reducing noise and vibration levels, extend the life of the rail and provide a smoother streetcar operation through those areas.
Work hours
Grinding sessions on sections of the streetcar network is currently scheduled between April 27 and May 17. To ensure that this grinding operation is carried out to its optimum potential, the slow moving rail-grinding unit will begin operations from approximately 9 p.m. and will continue until the start of morning streetcar service at approximately 5 a.m.
Grinding activities will generally occur one to two nights on each section of the streets listed below between April 27 and May 17, weather permitting. A street sweeper will be used to clean the track area each day following grinding operations. Streetcars will be diverted after 9 p.m. to accommodate the grinding work. A shuttle bus service will be provided.
Scheduled grinding locations
*Timelines subject to change - weather dependent
On College Street - April 27, 28 and May 1 to 4 - in areas between/in vicinity of:
- St Clarens Avenue to Brock Avenue
- Sheridan Avenue to Dufferin Street
- Gladstone Avenue to Dovercourt Road
- Dovercourt Road to Ossington Avenue
On Gerrard Street East - April 29, 30 and May 5 - in areas between/in vicinity of:
- Gainsborough Road to Bowmore Road
- Leslie Street to Glenside Avenue
- Parliament Street to River Street
On Queen Street East - May 6 to 9 - in areas between/in vicinity of:
- Neville Park Boulevard to Glen Manor Road
- Connaught Avenue to Kingston Road
- Logan Avenue to Lewis Street
On Queen Street West - May 10 to 12 - in areas between/in vicinity of:
- McCaul Street to Spadina Avenue
- Bathurst Street to Cameron Street
- Markham Street to Strachan Avenue
On Fleet Street - May 13 - in areas between/in vicinity of:
- Bathurst Street and Strachan Avenue
On Dundas Street West - May 14 - in areas between/in vicinity of:
- Morrow Avenue to just north of Bloor Street
On Cherry Street/Sumach Street - May 15 - in areas between/in vicinity of:
- Streetcar loop to King Street - (new 514 Cherry streetcar route scheduled for operations this summer)
At Russell Yard - May 16 to 17 - in areas between/in vicinity of:
Thank you for your patience as we work to improve transit in Toronto.
For further information:
Diego Sinagoga, Community Liaison, 416-393-2197;