News   Mar 13, 2025
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News   Mar 13, 2025
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News   Mar 12, 2025
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TTC: Major Operational Issues (Various)

There haven't been speed restrictions in place on the viaduct for 1 straight consecutive year. They have been in place on and off as part of the beam replacement project.
It certainly felt like it was for well over a year for some of the periods - especially in the late 2000s and early 2010s.
Curious that the Queen's Quay tunnel itself is not listed. I remember reading stories about some ops getting up to 60 in the tunnel... I'm not sure I've EVER witnessed even half that!
So there is still no subway service between Eglinton and Bloor. Also there are issues at Wilson yard preventing trains from running on the university side.

How are trains being maintained if they cannot enter and exit the yard? This has been going on since Saturday.
This has been going on since Saturday.
It hasn't though. Yesterday morning there were shuttle buses operating, but by the time I was returning home at 3pm trains were running again between Eglinton and Bloor.

If they weren't running this morning then that's a net-new issue. For the record as of right now (9.20am) the line is open and running.

It hasn't though. Yesterday morning there were shuttle buses operating, but by the time I was returning home at 3pm trains were running again between Eglinton and Bloor.

If they weren't running this morning then that's a net-new issue. For the record as of right now (9.20am) the line is open and running.

I guess it's off an on.
I was on Line 2 this morning and they were announcing that there was no service Bloor to Eglinton, but my wife said there were trains running despite the announcements.
As much as I am enthusiastic for all the transit expansion - I would sacrifice some of it to just have reliable, timely service. (and our transit system not doubling as a homeless shelter).
The subway was fine for me this morning, but then I waited almost 15 minutes for a King streetcar. Which toddled along until it sat motionless at Cherry for over 10 minutes, with only one announcement, which was about a minute in, to tell us we should get moving again "shortly".
Is the level of what we often assume to be incompetence at how the TTC runs our transit system in line with other cities? It would be fascinating to know...
The subway was fine for me this morning, but then I waited almost 15 minutes for a King streetcar. Which toddled along until it sat motionless at Cherry for over 10 minutes, with only one announcement, which was about a minute in, to tell us we should get moving again "shortly".

At around 12:45 someone thought it would be a good idea to park next to snowbank thereby blocking the Streetcar tracks.

I guess the saying really is true. You can't fix stupid.

At around 12:45 someone thought it would be a good idea to park next to snowbank thereby blocking the Streetcar tracks.

I guess the saying really is true. You can't fix stupid.

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The fine ($30) for parking more than 30 cm from the curb is too low. Should be charged for the number of passengers on a streetcar that are exasperated. Maybe $30 per passenger, for a streetcar that would be (70 passengers seated and 181 standees) 200+ at crush load X $30 = $6,000.00 (per streetcar). Plus towing.
Is the level of what we often assume to be incompetence at how the TTC runs our transit system in line with other cities? It would be fascinating to know...
In some cases, it's much better in Toronto than elsewhere (see: Ottawa, York Region).

Some cases, it's worse.

Go figure, the TTC still hasnt figured out to run trains properly during the winter months. No service from Woodbine to Kennedy so far this morning.

Side note, Line 1 has longer wait times still due to the Wilson Yard incident of a few days ago.

