It has been a perceptual function of government the last few decades to get reports done on things that go wrong, from Royal Commissions to Inquests......and.....not every time mind you, but all too often, we find out 5, 10, 20 years later
that key recommendations were ignored.
Not to drag us too off topic here, but w/the crash at Pearson top of mind......... I note that after the Air France incident 2 decades ago, one of the recommendations was to install ground-level radar for low wind shear.
Guess what Pearson still hasn't installed, 20 years on....
Now in fairness, they did change the length of the problem runway and implement some other recommendations.
But it astounds how we know the solutions to problems, its just they will cost money, or take time, or inconvenience someone etc...
I would be interested to hear
@smallspy 's take on measures that may mitigate some of the issues we've seen crop up on TTC the last few days.
Icy rails, switch issues, snow accumulation, blowing snow.
We're not going to put all of Wilson Yard under a roof anytime soon; but are we utilizing heated switches on outside tracks? Do we have trains with plows on the front to remove excess snow from outdoor rails?
Do we (TTC) require or make use of third rail heaters?
Are there are any sensible ways short of roofing/walls to reduce blowing snow as an issue in yards?