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Trinity Bellwoods Park to face alcohol crackdown

On the waterfront near my place the stuff left behind is mainly cigarette butts and coffee cups. There are hundreds or thousands of cigarette butts scattered throughout most Toronto parks.
Like I said, we should ban cigarette smokers in public parks too, like they do in some Ontario cities.
Oh the irony.

10/15 years ago, it was a bunch of crack heads, and halfway house hookers turning tricks in the park. Residents complained about that. Now that the park has become a 'victim' of their own success, the nimbys all come out again.

They should hand tickets for public drunkeness, not a bunch of hipsters enjoying picnics and a bit of booze.
Like I said, we should ban cigarette smokers in public parks too, like they do in some Ontario cities.
And people with stinky breath, or those that wear really bright clothes. Both are offensive to my nasal-gazing sensibilities.

Better idea; make it easier to dispose of budds - and I don't mean those absolutely ridiculous cigarette disposal "holes" in the City garbage bins that fill up after 5 budds. Or an even better option IMO (as a smoker) would be to make cigarettes illegal and unavailable. That would kill (poor choice in words) more birds with one stone. :)

With regards to the actual topic of an alcohol crackdown... It's obvious the bylaws are simply put in place to give police officers a legal way of calming rowdy individuals. Who are these people complaining about patrons of TBP??? Get a life, get over yourself, and get over your 1st world problems! I have lived at TBP for about 5 years now and rarely see anything rowdy going on (ball hockey excluded), and I'm quite aware there's plenty of people partaking in beers or whine (and whine).
Like I said, we should ban cigarette smokers in public parks too, like they do in some Ontario cities.

I hate cigarettes, especially in the parks, but banning smoking in the parks would make it way worse than it already is for someone wanting to have a drink with their picnic. Last thing we need is cops on a power trip patrolling our parks busting smokers and picnickers having a beer on a Sunday afternoon. If they are intoxicated causing problems by all means bust them.

My friend was telling me a couple years ago the apartment she lived in didn't have air conditioning, so her and her boyfriend took one single can of beer to the park across the road to share, and within minutes they got busted by a cop on bicycle, he didn't even give them a warning just wrote them a ticket on the spot and made them pour the beer out.

I'm glad i got a house, i can sit outside and not have to worry about the cops busting me for enjoying an adult beverage with my lunch or dinner.
My friend was telling me a couple years ago the apartment she lived in didn't have air conditioning, so her and her boyfriend took one single can of beer to the park across the road to share, and within minutes they got busted by a cop on bicycle, he didn't even give them a warning just wrote them a ticket on the spot and made them pour the beer out.
They can drink a nice cold non-alcoholic beverage in the park. Problem solved.
Or they could have enjoyed their drink peacefully without having someone ticket them for harmless behaviour.

When I first moved to Canada I sat in a bench within U of T and enjoyed a nice cold stout with a friend. Very pleasant afternoon. Later I learned it was illegal and haven't done anything of the sort since. It's a shame that we spend so much effort ticketing cyclists and people having picnics while 'legally' drunken morons and reckless (often drunk and/or high) drivers cause havoc every weekend throughout downtown.
Gee!!! probation is still around and time we grow up and stop worrying about drinking in public.

After traveling all over Europe seeing people drinking on transit, parks, buying a single bottle of beer in corner store at all hours and coming back to what we have today is stupid. Again we are decades behind the world trying to be goodie good shoe.

I do support a stronger crack down on drunk or DWI drivers with stronger laws. I do support strong laws related to drinking cause by people who cause damage or problems to other people.

Time to scarp the no drinking in parks law or beaches so long you remove the bottles and clean up the mess if bottles are broken.

By the way, I am the only non drinker in my family for various reason, yet I have the hard stuff at home for people who would like a drink when they come over. Now only if I had a corner store to buy that bottle of beer when someone wants it.
Or they could have enjoyed their drink peacefully without having someone ticket them for harmless behaviour.

When I first moved to Canada I sat in a bench within U of T and enjoyed a nice cold stout with a friend. Very pleasant afternoon. Later I learned it was illegal and haven't done anything of the sort since. It's a shame that we spend so much effort ticketing cyclists and people having picnics while 'legally' drunken morons and reckless (often drunk and/or high) drivers cause havoc every weekend throughout downtown.
I don't think it's harmless if they are puking and pissing all around the area. Not say this is happening, but I imagine it does.

The issue is with puking and pissing in that case and not the consumption of alcohol in the park per se, which by itself has a lot less negative impact to other users of the space than other totally legal activities (think smoking, all manners of noisy behaviour, large gatherings, etc). People can and does get intoxicated and then misbehave in public spaces - that's the behaviour we should have rules and enforcement against. Removing the ban would not have changed that.

I don't think it's harmless if they are puking and pissing all around the area. Not say this is happening, but I imagine it does.

Arrest and crucify people for puking and pissing in public please, but don't confuse that with drinking in public.

Our city would be a better place if people who get drunk and turn disruptive were dealt with promptly. It would also be a better place if you could have a glass of wine by the lake.
I don't think it's harmless if they are puking and pissing all around the area. Not say this is happening, but I imagine it does.

Why is it when dogs piss all over parks, nobody minds but when humans do it, well it's an issue. Is human piss smellier than dog piss? I don't think so. Both smell pretty bad but nobody says a peep about the dogs.
Why is it when dogs piss all over parks, nobody minds but when humans do it, well it's an issue. Is human piss smellier than dog piss? I don't think so. Both smell pretty bad but nobody says a peep about the dogs.

What about the bird pooping? Where do the squirrels do their business? Then there are the raccoons...
I was on my way home just a few days ago, taking a short-cut through Trinity Belwoods on a sunny afternoon, and saw a couple, presumably on a date, being ticketed by cops for possessing alcohol. What a bummer.

Regarding pissing and puking in the park while intoxicated, there's really nothing stopping an individual whose had one too many at a nearby bar to do either of those things in the park while drunkenly stumbling on their way home. It's not as though the place of alcohol consumption necessarily dictates where the consequences of said consumption will play out, and even then, why not target those specific activities instead of the park itself?

I really don't get why do our laws have to be so black and white. Why not have specific laws, singling out harmful activities? Such as violence. Or pissing. Or puking. Or littering. Or being belligerently drunk. Or massive, loud gatherings at 1 am. Those are not ambiguous terms that would be difficult to legally define and that would otherwise be difficult to charge perpetrators with were it not for the umbrella by-laws prohibiting drinking in public spaces.
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At least we are not alone in our park restrictions.

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Was just in San Francisco and visited a cool park(the one you see with the painted ladies in the foreground and city skyline in the background). People were discreetly drinking and it was just fine. I would have no problem bringing my kids there.
