Senior Member
For B-D. In the West, there is no real interest from Peel to extnd the subway so I think Honeydale make sense to meet buses coming from 427. It can also be built at grade so it can be done cheap.
In the East, I see some overlap between Eglinton and the Lakeshore GO. I like continuing the B-D as the E-W route. I would definately extend B-D the 4.5 km to Kingston Road (station at Brimley/Danforth, GO, and Markham/Kingston). The next extension is another 5 km to UTSC (Guildwood, Galloway/Lawrence, and UTSC), which I am not sure is quite as important, but will eventually be needed. Pickering is still 10 km farther away, which I think is too far.
ECLRT. Since B-D already had tail tracks under the GO line at Kennedy, I had it going east and Eglinton (which of course is elevated through Scarborough) going north along the SRT corridor and extended to Malvern and Finch. It would be ALRT to reduce the closure time during construction.
In the West, I like elevating Eglinton through the Richview corridor to Pearson. I think that line may be long enough and would have the Peel lines as separate. One Peel LRT would be Hurontario from the Lake to Brampton. One would be from the Lake to Pearson via SQ1. One would be Brampton to Pearson via SQ1.
Sheppard. I can not support abandoning a line that cost $1B and probably has a current value closer to $2B. We need to find a way of incorporating the existing Sheppard into the solution.