Dear Brandon,
Thank you for your e-mail about the future of public transit in Toronto. As a user of subways, busses and street cars, I can assure you that I know some of the challenges we face in getting around in the city.
There was widespread confusion about what was voted on last night in council. The press would have everyone believe that we stopped Mayor Ford's subway plans. That is not correct. The motions passed by myself and my colleagues include a firm commitment to the Sheppard Subway Line, a key part of Mayor Ford's 2010 campaign platform. In fact, my motion affirmed a $650 million commitment to this project, which is the maximum allowable under a Toronto-Ontario funding agreement. We also are to receive another $330 million from the federal government. Therefore, we have $1 billion to start this important project.
What was altered last night was a small change in the length of tunnel being created for the Eglinton Crosstown LRT.
This section of Scarborough will now be an elevated LRT or at grade. It will not impede traffic or take up laneways. It freed up over $1.7 billion so we can build the Sheppard Subway and give residents of Ward 10 the transit options they need. It is not Transit City and not "another St. Clair."
Please understand that this was in no way a vote against the mayor. The media likes conflict and that is what they presented. We are in better shape now than ever to meet the dreams of residents of Ward 10 and have an east-west subway system running through it.
Once again, thank you for your note and please stay in touch.
Councillor James Pasternak
Ward 10, York Centre