Toronto YC Condos -- Yonge at College | 198.42m | 62s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

This is a gross over-generalization - and probably will make me sound quite pretentious - but of the architects that I've met, many are generally well put together whereas whats-his-name Grazziani was one of the worst-dressed architects I've ever seen (he was wearing what looked like a green plaid blazer over top of a golf shirt). Perhaps there is a proportional relationship between an architects fashion sense and design chops. If an architect can't properly dress himself, can we really expect him to do a good job dressing a building?
A 10-12 storey mid-rise plan works for me.

Did you ever like anything above 12 storey in Toronto?
Demolish a three storey and replaced it with a 10-12 storey, given the current land price at that location, how do you expect developers to make money?

Any new buildings along downtown Yonge shorter than 30 stories just won't make economic sense.
It is not bad at all, given the lack of detail currently. I'd say it will look better than 85% of Toronto's current highrises, particularly all those hideous waterfront condos and those on Bay st. What's the complaint here? Or we are just pretending Toronto always has high standards when it comes to architecture?
Every project should be held on its own regard. "It's better than ____ condo" isn't good enough justification for a design. Yes, many mistakes have been made, but we need to strive towards continuous improvement of our residential architecture (and commercial and office, for that matter). That said I actually like Success @ Pinnacle better than this G&C nightmare, as much as that statement makes me feel sad and empty inside.
Probably absolutely nothing, and really I was saying it mostly in jest. But think about it, green plaid blazer... 60 storey clusterfck... its hard not to make connections.
I'd say it's fair game to get a read on someone based on how they present themselves to the world. Laziness/sloppiness in one aspect of a person's life usually transfers over to other aspects as well.
As many of us know, this company is congenitally incapable of creating quality buildings. Words like innovative, interesting, intelligent, and thoughtful, are not in their vocabulary. Hacks they are, and hacks they shall remain.

No matter what the "size worshipers" on this site may believe, for those of us who care about architecture, it remains a serious drag that a city as important as Toronto is stuck having to deal with the tacky ambitions of a design-build company on steroids, intent on permanently marring our skyline with their horrid vertical cow-patties.
As many of us know, this company is congenitally incapable of creating quality buildings. Words like innovative, interesting, intelligent, and thoughtful, are not in their vocabulary. Hacks they are, and hacks they shall remain.

No matter what the "size worshipers" on this site may believe, for those of us who care about architecture, it remains a serious drag that a city as important as Toronto is stuck having to deal with the tacky ambitions of a design-build company on steroids, intent on permanently marring our skyline with their horrid vertical cow-patties.

amen to that. maybe if canderel wasn't so concerned with the bottom line they would hire an actual architect like wallman or pontarini. you know what the irony of it all is? that they'd probably make even more money with a good design....even if the architect (or final product that they design) ends up costing more. tragic.
Did you ever like anything above 12 storey in Toronto?
Demolish a three storey and replaced it with a 10-12 storey, given the current land price at that location, how do you expect developers to make money?

Any new buildings along downtown Yonge shorter than 30 stories just won't make economic sense.

This goes to AG too who earlier made a comment about the land price: just because the developer paid how ever many millions for the land does not give them the automatic right to build how high they want.
oh man, just seeing these renders for the first time... clearly a rip off of 1 Bloor along with hints of the previous proposal at that address from Bazis. The highrise condo market just keeps getting to be more pathetic and more of a caricature of itself in this city. "Beyond Hilarious" is surely not far off as a project name now...
This goes to AG too who earlier made a comment about the land price: just because the developer paid how ever many millions for the land does not give them the automatic right to build how high they want.

I agree, but it does not stop them from trying and applying, knowing very well of the recent development trend going on the Yonge street corridor
Hey, its the new Entertainment District with all kinds of rumours, proposals, and under construction projects... just with a taller touch

This goes to AG too who earlier made a comment about the land price: just because the developer paid how ever many millions for the land does not give them the automatic right to build how high they want.

no, it doesn't. But a building has to be a certain height at least for the developer to make money for the investment and risk it makes and takes. You can't expected a company to pay $40 million for a land to build a 5 story condo containing 40 units in total. That does no good to either the developer or the city, no matter how charming the building looks.

all this hate towards highrise buildings is so striking. Many people don't like the idea of a building just because it is over 20 storeys. Toronto is a big city. It is not Barrie or Oakville.

No one is pointing a gun at anyone's head insisting that they purchase that piece of property. Just because it is close to a subway station doesn't mean it is carte blanche - stating that isn't hating highrise, it's the matter of the law and due process.

No matter what the "size worshipers" on this site may believe, for those of us who care about architecture, it remains a serious drag that a city as important as Toronto is stuck having to deal with the tacky ambitions of a design-build company on steroids, intent on permanently marring our skyline with their horrid vertical cow-patties.

My thoughts put into words. The bar for good design has been set so frigging low it's ridiculous.
