Toronto X The Condominium | ?m | 44s | Great Gulf | a—A

I've created another meaning for FTW... F*** The Weather :hell:

I managed to bring my camera today and snap some shots of X and other projects... It was DARK by the time i got there!... So all the shots turned out really unclear and dark.. oh well... FTW!



Again, sorry for the poor image quality... If anyone knows how to take good (high res) night shots, tell me :)

I have more pics that will be posted on other threads :)
and you'll also need a dslr so you can manually set your ISO to 100 (for a grain free image) and a long exposure time - likely 5 seconds minimum depending on aperture so that you get reflected light to define the shapes of the buildings.
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Ted Rogers Way

Hello all.. I have not noticed anything on here about Ted Rogers Way.
Just to let everyone know. The portion of Jarvis between Bloor and Charles is to be renamed as "Ted Rogers Way". This will make Couture's official address on Ted Rogers Way.

Thankfully, X will remain as 110 Charles East. And hopefully and most probably, people will continue to call that portion of Jarvis, Jarvis, as they continue to call the Skydome, Skydome. Even if the signs on both say otherwise!

For the report on this, see the X2 forum on here (page 22). I could not figure out how to link it to this message.
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Hello all.. I have not noticed anything on here about Ted Rogers Way.
Just to let everyone know. The portion of Jarvis between Bloor and Charles is to be renamed as "Ted Rogers Way". This will make Couture's official address on Ted Rogers Way.

Thankfully, X will remain as 110 Charles East. And hopefully and most probably, people will continue to call that portion of Jarvis, Jarvis, as they continue to call the Skydome, Skydome. Even if the signs on both say otherwise!

For the report on this, see the X2 forum on here (page 22). I could not figure out how to link it to this message.

I'm not on the inside of this announcement, but aren't these usually ceremonial re-namings rather than OFFICIAL? The kind where there are two street signs, one the official street name (in this case Jarvis), with a more colourful, ceremonial plaque above it demarcating it as "So-and-So Way".

Well, except for Blue Jays way... I suppose.

Because I wouldn't want to live on a street named after a Robber-Baron like him either. He was just like those turn-of-last-century Robber Barons who made jillions off the common man, then felt guilty late in life and tried to repent by becoming a philanthropist... Too little too late, I say.

They haven't renamed anything, it's more akin to when the street signs have extra markers to identify the neighbourhood as the Beach or Greektown or what have you. It's no different than Marshall McLuhan Way (which is actually St. Joseph St). That piece of Jarvis is still officially Jarvis, but you can think of it as Mr. Rogers' Neighbourhood.
They haven't renamed anything, it's more akin to when the street signs have extra markers to identify the neighbourhood as the Beach or Greektown or what have you. It's no different than Marshall McLuhan Way (which is actually St. Joseph St). That piece of Jarvis is still officially Jarvis, but you can think of it as Mr. Rogers' Neighbourhood.

That is what I thought... But look at the official papers on the X2 board, page 22. They reference a change of official address for the Rogers building, as well as Couture.
That is what I thought... But look at the official papers on the X2 board, page 22. They reference a change of official address for the Rogers building, as well as Couture.

If that's officially true that's unfortunate. I assumed Jarvis would become Ted Rogers Way in the same way that College Street became Johnny Lombardi way around the CHIN building and Queen Street became Moses Znaimer way around the Chum building.
By that I mean that the individual gets the recognition they deserve by having their name on the street sign in the general area of their headquarters, but the actual street name does not change.
Looks like they are 4.5 floors away from the cladding/glass completing the top floor. Of course not including the slowly progressing balconies.
If that's officially true that's unfortunate. I assumed Jarvis would become Ted Rogers Way in the same way that College Street became Johnny Lombardi way around the CHIN building and Queen Street became Moses Znaimer way around the Chum building.
By that I mean that the individual gets the recognition they deserve by having their name on the street sign in the general area of their headquarters, but the actual street name does not change.

The section inbetween where Jarvis turns into Mount Pleasant and Bloor has been changed to Ted Rogers Way. Couture's tentative addresss is 600 Ted Rogers Way.

Despite the frigid wind today I also walked by and noticed they are on the 40th floor with cladding/glass. I was impressed to see the glass finished on the townhouses...looks sharp as does the lobby. Also walked around back and saw the putting green has been fenced in with (of course!) iron fence and trees have been planted on the walkway up to the putting green..will be nice in spring/summer. Nice that some planting has been considered. Now they just need to clean up the front yard across the street at the hydro station least some of the sleeping bags and garbage had to be moved as surveyors were there working this afternoon.
Dec. 12th Update

Mostly photos showing progression of the balconies plus the towns, part of the lobby glass plus a long shot from Yonge & Charles

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

