Markham World on Yonge | ?m | 31s | Liberty Development | Kirkor Architects

Taken today. Lots of progress on this one.










Wow, pretty disappointing

Spandrel overload, which in it self isn't the end of the world, but I hate this dull color spandrel.
nice shots! I took a few on my phone today but see you've got better ones so power to you.

Someone asked upthread about tenants. There was an "RBC - OPENING SOON" sign on the hoarding, and my understanding has always been that the Galleria will move back but that's all I've heard.

I couldn't get a really good shot of it through the construction but the retail element around the periphery is definitely taking shape and while it's not going up as fast as the two main towers, the hotel/commercial building at the north end is coming along too. It'll definitely dominate the skyline from all around. (I've also heard - totally not surprisingly) that the Golden Star owners have fielded many offers from condo developers and turned them all down. Good for them but soon they're going to be this cute, little shop stuck between a bunch of towers.
And here I thought World on Yonge had a chance. Who allowed this dark spandrel monstrosity? Last time, I walked around the site snapping photos. This time around, I couldn't push myself to do it after seeing this mess.

That grey spandrel looks dreadful and there is so much of it. What sane person would think that's attractive? I just find it unbelievable.
The other side of the building has more white spandral so it isn't so bad ...

Now the "mall" aspect seems to be clad with grey / beige precast ... no character at all ... hopefully more will cover it up.
More than probably.

Its probably the least expensive for the developers.

Is grey spandrel cheaper than white, black or blue spandrel? What about metal trim? Is it cheaper if you buy it in grey? If so, that might sadly explain, why almost all new buildings contain grey spandrel and grey metal trim. (as well as everything else dark grey) I pray this trend ends soon or this city will soon depress the hell out of me.
I know we can't rely on renders all the time, but whatever happened to this..


Once the project is more built out, I will drop by again and take some more detailed photos. Maybe, just maybe we will be surprised by the final result? I doubt it though - it already seems like a write off.
