Toronto West Harbour City | ?m | 36s | Plaza | BDP Quadrangle

I still would have liked this more if the building was stepped down facing south, not north so that the primary design and details could have been admired by those walking/cycling/driving on the lake side as opposed to speeding by the north side. Those amazing terraces would have presented such a greater opportunity facing the lake as opposed to the Gardiner.
I wasn't crazy about WHC until I saw it in person, when I became a convert. It's like a breath of fresh air when contrasted with the endless glass towers to the east.
October 11 morning pictures

Your poor correspondent nearly froze to death taking these pictures this morning as it never occured to him to wear a parka, hat, and mittens. :)

They've starting colouring the faux brick patterns red. I'm not sure if I like it or not.

1. Phase II coming along nicely.

2. Phase I Full

3. Phase I Base

4. Phase I Tower, from Coronation Park

Might as well throw this one in here. You can see the Quay West crane on the far left, West Harbour City II rising, WHC I about done, and Water Park City Nepture rising.

5. Wall of Condos
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Thanks for going the extra mile; great pics!
I see that broken window on Phase 1 still isn't fixed.
Broken window! Thats not a good sign, wonder how that happened....where do you see that btw?
I think it's the 17th floor; left side when you're looking at the picture, right by the bottom of the arrow on the banner.
anyone notice the two F-16 fighter Jets in the last picture??

Do Fighter Jets fly normally around Toronto like that.
Your poor correspondent nearly froze to death taking these pictures this morning as it never occured to him to wear a parka, hat, and mittens. :)

They've starting colouring the faux brick patterns red. I'm not sure if I like it or not.

Thanks for braving the elements today MatrixElement, good shots.
Now you say the brick patters are faux and not real brick?
Whatever it is I like it. To me it's almost a respectful nod to what stood there just a few years before.
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The "brick" they're adding looks amazing! Does anyone know if it's supposed to go all the way up the tower? I'd hate to see them stop short.
