Developer: Choice Properties REIT, Wittington Properties Limited, Concord Adex, Loblaw Companies
Architect: architects—Alliance, ERA Architects, Arcadis, Page + Steele / IBI Group Architects, Giannone Petricone Associates
Address: 500 Lake Shore Blvd. W., Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2019
Height: 429 ft / 130.75 mStoreys: 41 storeys
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Toronto West Block Est. 1928, The LakeShore, and The LakeFront | 130.75m | 41s | Choice Properties | a—A

Has anyone heard anything (non-confidential) of a slated opening date for the grocery store?

Seems like they could be aiming for the holiday season this year, no?
Pics of the two condo towers from Harbourfront a few evenings ago now…


Lol @ this project.

It's like a movie that starts well and then ends so badly, you assume the director got replaced mid-way through.
The commercial Loblaws building is great so far ... and the podium for the condo's is also nice ... then your eye unfortunately begins to go to the actual condo towers and your mind plays the sound of screeching brakes as you wonder W T F happened? I mean, the contrast is so extreme that it is jarring.

Really odd development.
Not that it could've saved the condo towers, but fritted/frosted balcony glass would've done a bit to clean up the exteriors at least. Oh well
