Developer: Conservatory Group
Architect: Richmond Architects
Address: 38 The Marginal Blvd, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 598 ft / 182.26 mStoreys: 56 storeys
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Toronto Water's Edge at the Cove | 182.26m | 56s | Conservatory Group | Richmond Architects

Dec 12
With luck, should be top off in 57 weeks, putting it into 2024 with full construction toward the end of 2024

As a pedestrian, you are screw trying to walk around this site to get to/from. You have to either walk a block and back to get to the other side of the street or around it.










Dec 12
With luck, should be top off in 57 weeks, putting it into 2024 with full construction toward the end of 2024

As a pedestrian, you are screw trying to walk around this site to get to/from. You have to either walk a block and back to get to the other side of the street or around it.










Unfortunately the City is refusing to help remove the blockages on Annie Craig. The Developer is constructing this phase WITHOUT an approved construction management plan. The City's engineering department is refusing to ask for a CMP and is also refusing to even ask the developer to open up Annie Craig and the Marginal as the streets were required to be built for phase 1. The traffic Impact study for this development is clear that a CMP must be submitted to "the satisfaction of this division" at each stage of the construction process. Furthermore, the City's engineering department is refusing to even have a conversation with residents to have this blockage removed. This situation is very complex but the City's lack of action on this reeks of corruption. I've been trying to get the City to make removing this blockage on Annie Craig their main goal and to use the CMP as their tool to achieve the goal... They're fighting for the developer on this and not for the residents that they represent.
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You're welcome, but please just use the Like button to say so to me or to any other UrbanToronto contributor in the future, instead of adding a new post!

In the meantime, I wanted to mention that the closer of the two cranes that can be seen in the photos above are for the very first of the detached commercial buildings planned to front Lake Shore along this stretch to actually go up. All of the other developers have deferred those buildings, but here, with the parking garage stretching underneath all three buildings — Cove at Waterways (which has its own thread and is already complete), Water's Edge at the Cove (this 56-storey one), and the Commercial Building, which will be 5 storeys and 26.85 metres high; retail at ground level, then 4 storeys of offices. Glad to see it. Next door, there's no movement on Lago's commercial building, while one property down Stay Inn Hospitality applied back in March 2020 to build a 13-storey hotel instead of a 5-storey retail/office building on the Ocean Club Lake Shore site. That OPA and ZBA application is still under review, according to the Planning web entry for it.

What is the usual rate of construction? 1 floor a month with an acceleration towards the higher floors? Meaning we’re still a few years out of construction finish? What’s your thoughts?
