Toronto Waterlink at Pier 27 | 43.89m | 14s | Cityzen | a—A

Thanks for the info, guys.
I agree w/ regards to keeping employment lands; plus those sugar slides are kind of a staple in the hood. I've wanted to 'slide' down them since I was a kid and first discovered the waterfront (while cycling to/along Toronto Islands).
from sat
Redpath needs to stay as well a few other ones, as these are employment business that can be part of the waterfront redevelopment.

Tried of hearing we need to get rid of this or that because of these new condos and people who think the waterfront is for there own use.

I firmly believe that there should be no development should be within 500-1,000 feet of the water edge, as this should be public domain land that allows people to see the waterfront while driving, cycling or walking along the Queens Quay. The only building that should be there are from the past.

All development should be on the north side of Queens Quay or a road and they should slope to the north in height.

People for years have bitch about the Gardiner blocking the the view of the waterfront, when it was the poor design building doing it in the first place.

While I don't have an issue with Redpath, I don't agree on the 500-1000ft setback -- the restos along the boardwalk (Against the Grain/Watermark/Il Fornello/Pier 4, the Power Plant, the people who will be walking into and around GBC -- that's what animates the Waterfront, along with the stage at Harbourfront. A setback of that size creates its own form of dead space.

'Sloping to the north in height' for N of QQ makes all kinds of sense, but that's the plan, no? (e.g. Monde)
agree, at street level it's quite nice, does compliment the market well...the yawn is for the incredibly slow pace of construction, the podium has been complete for quite some time but who knows when the tower will begin to rise.

On another note related to Pier 27...looks like we have the first few pours of 2nd floor on the north-eastern-most side of the site, should begin to have an impact late this fall, should be very exciting.
Redpath needs to stay as well a few other ones, as these are employment business that can be part of the waterfront redevelopment. I'm tiried of hearing we need to get rid of this or that because of these new condos and people who think the waterfront is for there own use.

Completely agree with drum118. If you get rid of all the businesses/shops/restaurants/bars/factories that were in the neighbourhood - to build condos - then you've also gotten rid of all the character and flavour of the area.

Condos by themselves are not a draw and do not make the neighbourhood interesting. Without local neighbourhood character they merely become vertical suburbs.

Love this picture by the way. I had no idea how far along the project had come. I use to park in that lot before it was dug out. That's a lot of dirt to move!

the yawn is for the incredibly slow pace of construction, the podium has been complete for quite some time but who knows when the tower will begin to rise.

The tower is about 5 storeys above the podium so it has started to rise.
I heard the sugar (from the RedPath neighbour) attracts bees. Not sure if I'd want to live there if I were allergic.
really great to see this one above grade.....nice pics CN!
Nice to see it above ground, this is going to be an eye-popper.:cool:
Havent heard much about the next phase...with all the action down there i wouldnt be a bit surprised if Cityzen isnt up to a re-design with greater heights.
