Toronto Waterlink at Pier 27 | 43.89m | 14s | Cityzen | a—A

Torstar building conveniently conceals Captain John's.

I think the buildings actually front onto the lake with that sidewalk that winds around the west side.
Not the best quality, but this image taken from a full page ad in this morning's Globe & Mail:


I don't like those grand lawns, that from the photo seem to be private property.
So this is it. This is the foot of Toronto's most famous street. I'm disappointed.

I hope the city and Waterfront Toronto come up with a wide pier where Captain John's is now to create public space at the foot of Yonge.
Not a big fan of the site plan and massing of this project. I would take good massing and site planning over architectural expression any day.
There have got to be two more phases coming after this though, as there is 1.5 million square feet of residential space allowed on this property.

Expect to see two taller buildings running along Queens Quay as phases 3 and 4. They will be taller, so as to step up towards the higher buildings of the city behind them, and so to give purchasers in the upper penthouse floors clear views over Phases 1 and 2. Purchasers of lower floor units of Phases 3 and 4 will be able to see portions of the harbour through the view corridors created by the configuration of Phases 1 and 2.

Notice that the east building of Phase 2 - the one that faces Domino Sugar (the former Redpath's / former Tate and Lyle) - is half the width and only has narrow clerestory windows along the east side? They are definitely building that phase with the expectation that the sugar refinery is staying put.

That stretch of Queen's Quay is so grey, brown and drab I personally welcome the big green lawns. (And I'm sure these buildings will have the $ to make sure they stay green.)
The big green lawns will be big glass buildings before the sod has even grown together.

That rendering is a lie (really?, from an advertisement). They already showed diagrams with lots of roads going up to each of the buildings (a la Mississauga condos). I'd say a good 1/3 to 1/2 of that lawn will be pavement.
These buildings are pretty but I have to (gulp) agree with (gulp) Mr. Hume on this one--I think this is the wrong development for this space.
Does this project have the full go ahead from city hall yet?
Full steam ahead!

The site plan blows. Sure it's green space, but its literally towers-in-the-park. Again the Clewes conundrum - the architecture is pretty good, the site plan or location is the problem.
These buildings are pretty but I have to (gulp) agree with (gulp) Mr. Hume on this one--I think this is the wrong development for this space.
Does this project have the full go ahead from city hall yet?

The city seems desperate to fill every plot of available land before the current boom ends.
Nicely sculptural, the buildings set at jaunty angles, irregular spaces between them, expanding on the theme established in the first group of buildings and setting up expectations for how the final phase completes the set.
As there is more to be built in the vicinity, it's too soon to call this phase a mistake or a failure.

I do like the look of the first set of buildings.
STOP this development.
Write to your councillor and the waterfront corporation.
It's an outrage that anyone would support this, and a greater tragedy that torontonians would so passively accept this.
Wait a second.

Pier 27 is the only modern (post ww2) building that belongs on the Waterfront; all others could be imploded and I'd be much happier.

Pier 27 calibre product=good! Why are so many people into public space anyhow? I'm a private sort myself.... At any rate, 2/3's of the year the waterfront is dead.
STOP this development.
Write to your councillor and the waterfront corporation.
It's an outrage that anyone would support this, and a greater tragedy that torontonians would so passively accept this.

Stopping a project is far more complicated than simply writing your councillor, and the waterfront corporation does not hold sway over this land. There is a lot of information regarding the history of this site earlier in this thread, which would be worth your while to read.

If you want to win people to your side, it might help your cause to explain what it is that you do not like about the project.

