Developer: Medallion Corporation
Architect: Arcadis, Page + Steele / IBI Group Architects
Address: 73 Bayly St W, Ajax
Category: Residential (Market-Rate Rental), Commercial (Office)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2020
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 25 storeys
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Ajax Vision at Pat Bayly Square | ?m | 25s | Medallion | Arcadis

This is proceeding to the later development phases and towers.

Anyone visited and took photos? There is quite a considerable public realm element judging from Google, and this should anchor future development in this part of Ajax.
Just needed to get some context for this one's sort of the basis for a future 'Downtown Ajax'. Corner of Bayly and Harwood.

Anyways.....looking at Streetview..............look all all these wires in the street..........people complain, understandably, about this in Toronto, but how is this here, especially next to a brand new development and brand new sidewalk/streetscape?

Does anyone know what stores are opening up at 420 Harwood (Tower 2). I saw a new signage up while driving by. On the leasing website, it shows two units have been leased but not what the stores will be.
