Toronto Vü Condos | 83.51m | 24s | Aspen Ridge | Hariri Pontarini

Re: Finished Roof?

Yes those are great pics but looks like he missed the September one...

I was hoping to get the finished roof with the crane on top...

Oh well...

Here is a picture by PatrickHighrise taken from CN Tower on September 9. I found it at and did a bit of image processing to it. The resolution is not that good, but it does show the roof as it looked in September:


Another find is what drum118 posted here on October 7. I couldn't resist turning it into an HDR image. You might like it - construction everywhere and your red crane looking pretty good, towering over everything.


Are there any last pictures you took from up there?
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WOW that is great...

The last pictures I took were of me lifting the steel beacon into place...

But I'm not very pic posting savvy and when I put them here, they're huge...

I may get someone to post them for me...

Thanx again....

Oh and btw... It turns out I did speak too soon after all on my next placement...

They're sending me to St. Joseph's Hospital in Hamilton for 2 weeks...

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I think it's a sharp looking building! The drab green panels are an odd choice, but the white ones have got to go, they look so cheap and unfinished (like Spire's ugly plywood-yellow ones).
Virtual Vü

I found the Vü on Google Earth thanks to a 3D model added there by wyliepoon (with the drab green replaced by a dreamy blue). I took a few snapshots. If you haven't already, you should give Google Earth a try. It's quite fun.





Another thing to try would be the Street View feature in Google Maps. The "Google Car" captured all of Jarvis Street with its 360 camera. Here is how it looked like when they passed the Vü sometime in the early summer:

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OK so thanx to Udo, I can post some pics of the beacon being hoisted and assembled...








And this is the view West from the Vu to go with all of the East pics of it...

that last shot is killer......thx VDub....:)
Nov 6

Riding the 504E to a meeting, I had some time to spare to take these shots after something caught my eye that I had to check out.






The hoarding is down along Jarvis now (even tho the south tower is nowhere near closed in, and much of the balcony work is yet to be done), and it's not entirely bad. Nice lighting along the base, lots of windows looking onto the street, but only the one entrance so I'm not sure how much street interaction the base will offer. A major improvement over what was there at any rate.

So much going on, so darn nuanced and dithery. The precast "masonry", for instance, may be a reasonable facsimile of the 1827 Bank of Upper Canada across the street, but what's accomplished by it? Why break with how the identical two storey red brick bays on the rest of the building are done?
I don't see any problem with how this is coming along. I like it and wish there was more of it.
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