Toronto Union Pearson Express | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | MMM Group Limited

UP questions

Just a quick question and apologies if this has been covered before. If the UP platform at Union is empty, will a GO train be allowed to use track 1 to access the GO platform at track one from the West side (IE travelling West to East)? Or is it exclusively for UP? Also, if a GO train is on track 1 and needs to go to Willowbrook, can it continue on track 1 Westbound through the UP platform at Union?
Just a quick question and apologies if this has been covered before. If the UP platform at Union is empty, will a GO train be allowed to use track 1 to access the GO platform at track one from the West side (IE travelling West to East)? Or is it exclusively for UP? Also, if a GO train is on track 1 and needs to go to Willowbrook, can it continue on track 1 Westbound through the UP platform at Union?

It's still physically possible for a train to go through track one. But it's highly unlikely that a GO train will be allowed to proceed westward off track 1 considering the frequency of UPX trains and the need to keep that side otherwise clear of rail traffic.
It's still physically possible for a train to go through track one. But it's highly unlikely that a GO train will be allowed to proceed westward off track 1 considering the frequency of UPX trains and the need to keep that side otherwise clear of rail traffic.
There is a marker there on track 1 for the 12 car spotting like other stations and tracks.

A GO Train can depart shortly after the UPX.
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Every. Single. Time. A train stops at, passes through or leaves a trains station the engine bell must be rung. It's mandated by the Canadian Railway Operating Rules specifically CROR 13. Engine Bell
Is it necessary when arriving at a platform that is entirely sealed off from the outside? The UPX platform at Pearson for example. Or even the UPX platform at Union if approaching from the west. Obviously necessary at both Bloor and Weston.

I'm simply amused given that those in Weston insisted that all the trains had to stop there, and that the bell (and presumably the increased noise from the acceleration) will make more noise than if they'd simply run through without stopping.

(though I guess they'd have to ring the bell if they didn't stop. Though as I think about it, I'm not sure that VIA trains ring their bell at every GO station they run through - I've sometimes heard the horn, but I don't remember the bell)
Are there platform doors at Bloor & Weston? If so, there is no need for bells or whistles, as long as the platform doors are closed. If they are only at the airport and at Union, they should be adding platform doors at all the stations.
Are there platform doors at Bloor & Weston? If so, there is no need for bells or whistles, as long as the platform doors are closed. If they are only at the airport and at Union, they should be adding platform doors at all the stations.

There would be a need for bells since the adjacent GO platform is open.

I get off the bus at Lawrence just east of the tracks in the evening, the GO train rings its bell upon arrival and departure. I can see how it would be annoying.
Is it necessary when arriving at a platform that is entirely sealed off from the outside?

Yes, it is. Despite the regulations not saying anything about the type of platform, the fact that there is a platform at all is enough to require its use.

Toronto, Ont.
There are no doors at Weston or Bloor at this time. Don't see the needs for doors at these stations.

I have yet to hear a train not use its horn or bell at any stations regardless if its local or express. This includes VIA, even though there been a few times they haven't done it.

When full service starts in June, horns & bell will be heard every 7-8 minutes outside of peak time or more depending on the station. At times you may heard more than one train at the station that will be UPX & GO as well the VIA train.

As we move to RER, you will hear as many as 2-4 at a station during operation hours at the same time arriving and departing the station.
Yes, it is. Despite the regulations not saying anything about the type of platform, the fact that there is a platform at all is enough to require its use.
I'll have to pay more attention. Perhaps the roar of the VIA train passing through Danforth when I'm standing there just distracts from and overwhelms the bell.
At Bloor, GO trains are still using the "old" north platform which is only a half-dozen carlengths long. The new south platform, which was built to full length for GO, is only being used by UPX test trains. I wonder if this will change once UPX service begins - otherwise, why have bothered.

At the very least, one would expect GO to lengthen the existing platform....but lately this space has become a lay-down area for left over construction material.

- Paul
At Bloor, GO trains are still using the "old" north platform which is only a half-dozen carlengths long. The new south platform, which was built to full length for GO, is only being used by UPX test trains. I wonder if this will change once UPX service begins - otherwise, why have bothered.

At the very least, one would expect GO to lengthen the existing platform....but lately this space has become a lay-down area for left over construction material.

- Paul
If you pop your head around the platform south mesh fence, you will see only haft of the full platform being built now. You will see the access platform being built at this time and it has the ramp going down north of it to the plan extension.

Once it is finish as well the rest of the platform south of it including the UPX, the temporarily platform will be remove so the other haft can be built this year. This was supposed to happen back in Dec, but the subway mess push it back about 6 months.

I expect the centre platform will be used starting June for a full 12 car train. Not sure if it will be an accessibility station then since I can't see the elevator work now. Most likely it will be if Weston is now.

Tools and equipment have to be store some place as well material.
Don't know why this is even an issue, sounds like more NIMBYism to me. :rolleyes:

Every. Single. Time. A train stops at, passes through or leaves a trains station the engine bell must be rung. It's mandated by the Canadian Railway Operating Rules specifically CROR 13. Engine Bell
Coming from Ireland where they are not mandated, I friggin' hate the bells. Also, we seem to be able to have streetcars and subways run without them being required to clang clang all the damn time.
Also, we seem to be able to have streetcars and subways run without them being required to clang clang all the damn time.
I don't hear reports of people standing too close to subway trains, getting caught on something, and then pulled under the wheels, which we do hear about from time to time with the GO Trains.

Streetcars certainly will use their bells as necessary.
I don't hear reports of people standing too close to subway trains, getting caught on something, and then pulled under the wheels, which we do hear about from time to time with the GO Trains.

Streetcars certainly will use their bells as necessary.
How common is getting pulled under trains *at stations*? Before this month I don't recall hearing about it at all. And presumably the bells *were* ringing then and it didn't prevent it.

Second - sure the streetcars use bells as needed but they are not mandated at each and every stop.

As an aside - what rules determines when streetcar use horn vs bell?
