A lot of their projects are funded because of political commitments. Until they are given control of revenue tools, another political decision, it will remain that way. They are inevitably able of detonating political bombs at this time.
It is a long standing project that is fully funded and, in fact, is very close to completion.
Besides, look at it this way: if I worked for Metrolinx, I wouldn't want a project I'm working on to be turned into some political hoopla just because its an election. Scheduled public meetings like this would be easy targets for the politically motivated.
They were update meetings.....regularly scheduled at that.....meant to update interested parties and locals where they were on the project and what could be expected in the upcoming months. What sort of political hoopla could come out of a meeting like that? I think there is more political hay to be made (if you are inclined to do so) out of the fact that the first of the meetings was cancelled via email less than 5 hours before it was scheduled to take place.....and that the reason is that "communications from the Ontario government will be quieter"....that sounds like something an opponent could grab onto!