Toronto The Whitney on Redpath | 69.19m | 21s | The Benvenuto Group | NEUF

I'm working from home now and have been maintaining it relatively social distanced, so I haven't had a chance to visit areas I enjoy like Yonge & Eg or Leslieville in a while. Gonna keep things calm for a bit more. Let's see how the upcoming weeks shape up.
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Considerable amount of progress made in the excavation:

April 25, 2020

I gather the Redpath side will be easier, or of course someone's view facing toward the site. I'll only be able to see the crane once this thing nearly tops out.
Over the years I've learned that the best angles into a pit are diagonal views from the corners. Even though you'll still miss the things closest to you, the wider site is visible. I can try to swing by this week with a wide-angle lens and take a look
Unless they raised the barriers recently, you should be able to get good photos of this construction pit along the accessible walkway just north of the site where the townhomes are along Redpath.
