Toronto The Well | 174.03m | 46s | RioCan | Hariri Pontarini

View from my office:
Just barely visible, soon to peak over the top.


The first angle here is great. It really demonstrates how projects like Portland Commons and the Lifetime building on Wellington are going to "feel" like part of this project once everything is said and done, and how The Well is acting as a bridge between King West and Cityplace. Now we just need a rich person to buy all of the houses on Draper to turn the block into a cute little pedestrian retail street!
Banking on Rail Deck Park to be built but for sure after this complex is completed
Heavily pushed by the City and Major
Although those trees rendered are really matured. I think it's safe to say most of us here will be pushing daisies by the time (and IF) that happens. /sigh
Although those trees rendered are really matured. I think it's safe to say most of us here will be pushing daisies by the time (and IF) that happens. /sigh

If they get'em planted within 5 years, they could be that big in 25, if they're very kind to them.

I'm sure you'll still be thoughtfully critiquing our City here at UT then!
I'm 19, am I going to see this park built? lol.

Well, I hate to be a downer........having just said it might happen soon in the post directly above.............but just to let ya know...........Toronto first proposed a subway under Queen Street in 1942.......we have yet to start building it...........

