Toronto The Well | 174.03m | 46s | RioCan | Hariri Pontarini

^little lego worker. lego worler&ved=0ahUKEwj2yduZnqHiAhUCMawKHXUmBE4QMwhCKAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8
From twitter I think:

The American Society of Big Cities with Little or No Construction, posts:

"The Society notes that Toronto has 300-400 construction projects approved or underway and that many in that city do not like any of those projects. It is further noted that no other city in Canada likes any of these projects.

The Society is organizing a nation-wide, city-driven, call to the President to liberate and distribute a minimum of 50% of these not-well-regarded projects from Toronto (which is in Canada). 84 cities are already registered. Join the fight."

fake news

I love the idea of UT getting a tour of this site and more specifically the enwave lake water cooling system. This would make for a great article showcasing Toronto and more broadly educating people on this efficient technology!!

+1 vote for that suggestion from another poster.
