Toronto The Uptown Residences | ?m | 48s | Pemberton | Burka

The move-in/closing dates were probably moved because the exterior of the structure is just a little over half built.

...I wouldn't jump to conclusions dt.

How is he jumping to conclusions? Seems pretty obvious that move-in dates were moved, well, because the building won't be ready, no?

to further dt's post ... I've heard that the construction trades union is in the process of negotiations and if things don't work out, a strike is in the plans for April 2010 ... which could translate to even more delays at all projects under construction across the GTA ... which would be bad ~
Photo i took this morning...

Uptown and Crystal from Yonge Street:


by steveve :)
to further dt's post ... I've heard that the construction trades union is in the process of negotiations and if things don't work out, a strike is in the plans for April 2010 ... which could translate to even more delays at all projects under construction across the GTA ... which would be bad ~

It is my understanding that as per the Labour Relations Statute Law Amendment Act, 2004 that the 46-day strike window was made permanent (effectively preventing construction strikes from being stacked and paralyzing the development industry as happened in 1998). All collective agreements have a common expiry date of April 30, 2010. Should there be a strike - after the 46 days maximum strike period, binding arbitration would be utilized. The double whammy for some consumers that purchased after June 19, 2009 and anticipate a closing prior to July 1, 2010 is that a strike may result in a delay in closing and they would be subject to paying HST.
Photo i took this morning...

Uptown and Crystal from Yonge Street:

by steveve :)

As I was walking home today I was really taken by the mass of so many cranes on and behind Blu. Look closely at steveve's photo, it's much more dramatic in person.
Come on....

I think someone is exaggerating on the building's appearance so far. Uptown isn't anywhere close to being the ugliest condo tower under construction or built. It's average looking but far from ugly. I don't like the windows though.
Remember who is saying this. urbandreamer has publicly admitted that he hates Toronto and (almost) everything in it. He apparently only posts here to irritate everybody else with his constantly negative opinions about everything Toronto-related.
^Find the post where I stated I hate Toronto. Prove it!

I loathe Uptown and buildings like it--ugly precast slabs developed by folks who could care less about the aesthetics of the city because they live in large 905 mcmansions themselves!

I just spent six hours walking around Toronto today, taking photos, hanging out at cafes, looking at art, and admiring old Victorian buildings, showing a friend how beautiful the OISE building really is, etc. Have you ever walked from Bloor West Village to Yonge Street, down to K-Market, and back via College St within 6 hours?
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I think someone is exaggerating on the building's appearance so far. Uptown isn't anywhere close to being the ugliest condo tower under construction or built. It's average looking but far from ugly. I don't like the windows though.

Being that Uptown is the largest and most prominent example of faux-historic architecture going up in Toronto, it's urbandreamer's duty, as a hardcore neo-modernism/Clewesian loyalist, to hate everything about it with the greatest possible magnitude.
^^^I agree. It's a loathsome building given its prominent location; a cynical Pemberton cheap-out / cash-out. The worst building in the core since the RoCP twin horrors which, thankfully, will be hidden from view partially by Aura. And at least BSN is tucked away somewhat. What's to block Uptown? Pemberton better make for this garbage with U.
^Lol. I love Stern's 1 St Thomas. I even find BSN tolerable, in context (when it was approved, designed etc vs. what was being built at the, c. early 2000's. Uptown is just one dirty ugly bastard child of precast hell! :p )

Twice now I've walked from my place at King and Parliament to High Park, and then back. I could spend days just exploring on foot (not that you were directing that comment at me).

You're right about Uptown too, it really is unfortunate. Its precast is just unbearingly dull and cheap looking, and the glass is equally as unspiring. The only thing it's got is height, which is actually unfortunate because of how prominent it will be. It's still not as bad as BSN though, that building is just a sloppy mess.
