Toronto The Uptown Residences | ?m | 48s | Pemberton | Burka



Above rendering by SP!RE/andrewharv.
The present Scotiabank is benign for what it is (80s Pomo-tech, whatever). And probably was always meant to be nothing more than a stylish time-marking taxpayer...
Whatever happened to banks? They used to utilize top of the shelf architecture, often even for their smallest branches, yet in the past few decades they've looked like bland, uninspired junk with no sense of pride or permanence.
money happened. banks are greedy, i thought we all knew that.
Parkdalian, that is an excellent context shot. :) It's very much welcomed and appreciated.
That shot looks really really cool! ^^^

Fantastic work! Yonge/Bloor looks really cool in that photo! I wish it would look like that all the time!

I really appreciate how much Crystal Blu and Uptown have brought to the area! Its building up some really density, height, and activity for us skyscraper geeks! :D
Whatever happened to banks? They used to utilize top of the shelf architecture, often even for their smallest branches, yet in the past few decades they've looked like bland, uninspired junk with no sense of pride or permanence.

At one time, there was no deposit insurance. If a bank failed (which they did all the time), you were left with nothing.

Under those conditions, banks desperately needed to look safe. Hence all the Greek columns and solid stone facings -- they gave the potential client the illusion of permanence and stability.

Once full deposit insurance was introduced, that requirement disappeared, and banks could build the cheapest outlets they wanted.
Just came back from my voyage to Yorkville but was stumped to find the sun had gone down by the time i got there :(

Here's some pics i took earlier today of Uptown and Crystal (which by the way are very tall and noticeable now!)...
*The pictures turned out fuzzy cause it was dark i think...

Uptown i have to say is lookin pretty good for the most part... the blue glass is really shiny!





All photos by me: steveve :)


Here's a video i made of Uptown and Crystal tonight:

Srry its kinda dark..


vid by me: steveve :)
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