Toronto The Uptown Residences | ?m | 48s | Pemberton | Burka

taken today:


Judging by the proximity of the two footprints, it's gonna get real friendly around here in a couple of years. What's the distance between the two towers?
yup those buildings look really close to each other. It would interesting to see how they would coordinate the build
Judging by the proximity of the two footprints, it's gonna get real friendly around here in a couple of years. What's the distance between the two towers?

I would not want to be living in Uptown facing south or CrystalBlu facing north ... there is VERY little separation between these towers, yet I continue to be suprised the City allowed full sized windows facing each other from these two towers

To answer the question, based on the final staff report approving the proposal, the tower portions are separated by a mere 15 metres (~50 feet), and the podiums are separated by 7.943 metres.
Its a shame that they are this close and yet they will remain forever separated, due to our odd building code - it is not allowed for one building to rest, lean, touch, or contact another building beside it or below it, unless it is the same building/property owner- and partly due to fire regulations.

The unfortunate part with this building code is that we end up with this great density, but with 2-3 foot gaps between all new buildings, where shit and garbage collects..I don't like it and it disrupts the continuous streetwall.

Just to illustrate the relationship of Uptown and CrystalBlu with the elevations on Balmuto (as derived from staff report)

It goes without saying that there is going to have to be a lot of cooperation and communication between these two construction firms throughout the process of creating these two buildings. I expect some friendly rivalries will evolve too - maybe not so friendly sometimes. Like maybe one day the crane operator for Cruptal Blown will smash a bucket of wet concrete into the Uptown, the Uptown crane will counter by dragging a form in a high wind up against every glazed floor of Cruptal as it lifts it, smashing windows as it goes. In the evenings they all climb down from their perches, head around the block to the Pilot, and shoot daggers from their respective corners of the room. After a while the suds work their magic, the ice is broken, and the two crews are joking with each other. After a number of weeks the crane operators are in love. It's all very modern, and well, predictable really.

It all comes to a head when Cruptal Blown is about to top off - our crane operators are about to be parted by forces beyond their control, namely the Committee of Adjustment - when suddenly Bazis appeals to the OMB and gets a dozen more floors! Cue the orchestra - this one's going another round! End credits.

I should properly credit Sir Novelty Fashion with the Cruptal Blown name.

...though, on a technicality, I should point out that "Cruptal Blown" is the proper collective name for the combined project of Crystal Blu and the Uptown. Therefore, the "Cruptal Blown crane" could no more smash into the Uptown crane any more than a snake could eat its own tail. (Surely you jest!)

The real "Cruptal Blown crane," in fact, is the collective whole of all the cranes on the site, which I understand are controlled the the same ineffable joint intelligence...
Its a shame that they are this close and yet they will remain forever separated, due to our odd building code - it is not allowed for one building to rest, lean, touch, or contact another building beside it or below it, unless it is the same building/property owner- and partly due to fire regulations.

The unfortunate part with this building code is that we end up with this great density, but with 2-3 foot gaps between all new buildings, where shit and garbage collects..I don't like it and it disrupts the continuous streetwall.


You are right that buildings can't lean or rest on each other--that makes perfect sense, you don't want a domino effect of one building knocking down another if one fails. However, there is nothing that says that buildings can't be built up against each other. They can. It happens all the time.
