Toronto The Modern | ?m | 17s | Empire | DTAH

Thx Ed.

I saw they built a foundation with some thick beams on the north side, on top of where the old gas station.

Was speaking with one of the owners at the restaurant, and I asked them where they are planning to move to, and they said they aren't sure. I told them to they should stay in the neighbourhood somewhere, and they said they are trying/looking..
King Palace will close on Sept. 3oth and will be moving to 820 Church St (which is that old donut shop, north of Bloor and east of Yonge) so they are leaving the nabe. The owner told me "it has 20 parking spaces!"

Also, the mysterious building across the street on the N/W corner of Richmond & Sherbourne is being designed by & Co Architects, however there's no information about the project on their site.





That's a great looking building, and what a change from what is currently there (an incredibly ugly city block, notwithstanding the delicious King Palace). Does anyone know what's going in where the old Canada Tavern was located, on the SW corner of Queen and Sherbourne? I think there was an application for a 10-storey structure for that spot.
Scary, scary neighbourhood.

Taken this morning...


And just across the street (North west corner of Sherbourne/Richmond)...


Queen and Sherbourne is scary, but starting from Richmond down it's fine (I used to live in The Richmond).
Sherbourne all the way down to King was scary 10 years ago. It has changed significantly and these two plus Vu at the old Goodwill location will make a huge change. A couple of new ones on Queen west of Sherbourne will also help. And once these are done, and if the boom continues, I can see Queen east of Sherbourne start to improve as developers look for new locations to build on.
I was just about to post the exact same thing. Although I wouldn't even go back as far as 10 years..The transformation has happened very fast.

IMHO, the gentrification from the south has already morphed the socio-economic dynamics of the intersection, and I don't see that intersection being as "scary" (as is being referred as) as it was five years ago.

And in five years,with the properties shown below, the south-side of queen east across the park, and Britian Street all transforming, I could see it being quite attractive and inviting.

Another example is the transformation of St James Park.
Too bad about the loss of Walnut Hall on Shuter St. facing the north side of the park. Does anyone know of any plans for that site. I can't believe the absentee owners let that heritage landmark crumble. There really should be a National Trust-type institution in Canada to help with the upkeep of heritage properties.
