Developer: Neudorfer Corporation
Architect: Gabriel Bodor Architect
Address: 980 Lansdowne Ave, Toronto
Category: Residential (Market-Rate Rental), Commercial (Retail), Institutional
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 332 ft / 101.14 mStoreys: 36 storeys
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Toronto The Diamond | 101.14m | 36s | Neudorfer | Gabriel Bodor

Further evidenced by the person who saw this website:, and decided, "Yep, that's the architect for me!"

I'm also going to call straight up lie on this claim: "With our 20 years + of experience and well over 550 completed projects under our belt, we are able to capture all the details required to create a proper project plan."

In fact, there's a lot of fun to be had at that link.
Last edited:
Wow, can't remember the last time I saw a site that still ran on flash. Takes me back to 2010.

Also, love the project description for one of theirs in their portfolio:

Project Description
Epsum factorial non deposit quid pro quo hic escorol. Olypian quarrels et gorilla congolium sic ad nauseum. Souvlaki ignitus carborundum e pluribus unum. Defacto lingo est igpay atinlay. Marquee selectus non provisio incongruous feline nolo contendre. Gratuitous octopus niacin, sodium glutimate.

Nothing like a bit of lorem impsum..
Google translate gives us this:

"Epsum factorial non deposit quid pro quo hic escorol. Olypian quarrels and gorilla congolium it ad nauseum. Souvlaki is pure: he grind you out of many, one. Defacto lingo is igpay atinlay. The provision incongruous feline marquee selection would not want contendre. Gratuitous octopus niacin, sodium glutimate."

"Souvlaki is pure: he grind you out of many, one." Indeed.
Further evidenced by the person who saw this website:, and decided, "Yep, that's the architect for me!"

I'm also going to call straight up lie on this claim: "With our 20 years + of experience and well over 550 completed projects under our belt, we are able to capture all the details required to create a proper project plan."

In fact, there's a lot of fun to be had at that link.

This is the most fun I've had in a long time
The area could use more development, but don't love the design or colour scheme.....I've never heard of Bodor Architect either..




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Status Update:

Three meetings were held between the applicant and staff to discuss development options and to resolve technical issues, with the results to be incorporated into a revised formal re-submission. The revised proposal was submitted on November 29, 2018 and has been circulated for review. A community consultation meeting held in consultation with the Ward Councillor is anticipated in the first quarter of 2019 with a Final Report targeted for the second quarter of 2019.

New docs posted November 29:

Now proposed at 36, 29, 12 and 4 storeys:


so now there is open space, what have they done? a giant truck turning circle. imagine the possibilities
