Toronto The Diamond | 101.14m | 36s | Neudorfer | Gabriel Bodor

I want to know which school is giving out these architecture degrees?
Blame 9/10th of the Toronto architecture firms. All the good ideas get tossed in favor of the cheapest most bland designs imaginable.

I said it before and i'll say it again, Toronto university architecture schools should get in the business of designing residential buildings because they'd do a much better job than 9/10th of the architecture firms we have here.
This isn't really a city where you get a lot of leisure time to enjoy things like architecture in a lot of sectors. The cost of living is high when housing is factored in. If you find more affordable housing, you're probably spending a lot of daylight hours in a car or on transit. A lot of people with the money to buy condos and houses are professionals and business owners who work long hours and don't have much time left over to enjoy architecture. That's why it doesn't really get prioritized. You need a society with the spare time to appreciate it.
They were busy digging away at it this morning:

This isn't really a city where you get a lot of leisure time to enjoy things like architecture in a lot of sectors. The cost of living is high when housing is factored in. If you find more affordable housing, you're probably spending a lot of daylight hours in a car or on transit. A lot of people with the money to buy condos and houses are professionals and business owners who work long hours and don't have much time left over to enjoy architecture. That's why it doesn't really get prioritized. You need a society with the spare time to appreciate it.
While all this is pretty much true, whether we know it or not we're all being subconsciously affected by the dull grey/blue developments we see taking place throughout the city especially on grey gloomy days.

Add a splash of colour to any part of the city and most people would take note of it.
This bad boy was parked along Lansdowne when I passed by this morning. Looks like shoring will begin on site soon.

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The shoring is for the retaining wall on the North-East corner of the Davenport Diamond to facilitate space for the diversion track.

Edit: here's the construction notice:
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