Toronto Ten York Street Condos | 224.02m | 65s | Tridel | Wallman Architects

It's tough to say if that's another spandrel disaster in the making, though TWM has defended its use regarding it as an expensive cladding system. Regardless of its complexity though, there's no denying spandrel often ends up looking messy and cheap. Here's hoping some attractive glass is used, because 68 stories of 300 Front would be pretty depressing.
I'm getting a Canada Tower vibe off this design.. especially with the sloped roof. simple, conservative, contemporary, and good looking :)
It's tough to say if that's another spandrel disaster in the making, though TWM has defended its use regarding it as an expensive cladding system. Regardless of its complexity though, there's no denying spandrel often ends up looking messy and cheap. Here's hoping some attractive glass is used, because 68 stories of 300 Front would be pretty depressing.
clearly it will be spandrel. almost all glass towers in toronto are mostly spandrel. and its by tridel wich always uses it. i ihad had high hopes for this building but sadly its going to blend with the others that are all south of gardiner. sides should have been with some texture not glass. glass building are only reallynice whethey arnt reflecting other glass buildings.. to me anyways.
One day I would love to log into this site and not have to see the word "spandrel".

Not because I dislike it, as there's spandrel I like (Aura, Cinema Tower) and spandrel that makes me feel like I'm having a migrane (300 Front), but just because I'm so utterly sick of reading the word.

Besides, from a distance, does spandrel really look THAT different to clear glass with blinds drawn on it? Take X Condos for example. Great looking building while under construction, but now, with all the drawn blinds, it looks worse than many of UT's vilified "spandrel disasters".
the colors of the glass from that render look great, though there needs to be less lines in the spandrel- more smoothed look with simpler pattern would do nice
Take X Condos for example. Great looking building while under construction, but now, with all the drawn blinds, it looks worse than many of UT's vilified "spandrel disasters".

Yes, but X is black. At least Great Gulf isn't afraid of some colour.

This will just end up looking dull and grey. Just look at the renders, there is no colour - grey grey grey.
If so many people have such a hate on for spandrel, what do you suggest be used in it's place? Btw that image above looks encouraging.
What about a splash of colour? Doesn't have to be this shade, but any colour.



The base looks like it could be interesting, but otherwise this is a massive disappointment. The tower is as bland as it gets. You`d hope for once Tridel could do something worthy of the location.

A boring collection of glass and precast is never good, but at this location it`s a big mistake.

On the bright side it should fit in with the other green glassed junk in the area.
One day I would love to log into this site and not have to see the word "spandrel".

Not because I dislike it, as there's spandrel I like (Aura, Cinema Tower) and spandrel that makes me feel like I'm having a migrane (300 Front), but just because I'm so utterly sick of reading the word.

Besides, from a distance, does spandrel really look THAT different to clear glass with blinds drawn on it? Take X Condos for example. Great looking building while under construction, but now, with all the drawn blinds, it looks worse than many of UT's vilified "spandrel disasters".

lol too true. Another word that's used way too much here: iconic. I roll my eyes every time I see it.
Spandrels, mulions and muntins are a necessary component but their design can be varied a lot- sometimes into interesting patterns and designs. But I don't see a lot of creativity with too many of these condos as they often seem to go with the same formula. But what gets me more than anything is the lacklustre design and cheap use of materials at street level. At least this building has an interesting looking podium from the renders, better than most in the area anyway.
cruzin4u, like the second one you did there as it really adds to its hieght. thevertical lines could really work well if in a color. its something simple like color that could make it look more interesting. its a nice design dont get me wrong but i like many have seen how spandrel ither makes or breaks the look of a building. they look good from a distance but some up close especially 300 front is just horrid. but even woth that one theres some hope with what ev the balcony glas looks like. and as some one else said, Aura looks amazing. so i take back my anti spandrel soounding comment previously.
