Toronto Telus House - 25 York Street | 136.24m | 30s | Menkes | Sweeny &Co

the site is zoned for 160m.and the tower is 136.i know the market is not hot but wont they regret not going for the max
just because they had 160m of height doesn't mean they had the density to have that floorplate all the way up. they may have opted for a shorter tower with a larger floorplate just to save some money
that, and they were worried that at 160m it might look impressive - thank goodness they've saved us from that


Here's a photo update taken today... unfortunately my company is moving out of that vantage point next Friday.

Re: .

Thanks for the pic DDA - it's unfortunate we won't be able to have a series from this excellent vantage point.

Re: .

I'm sure going to miss the view - it's a great spot for seeing anything south of the railway tracks or east of Yonge. On a clear day you can see Hamilton fairly easily.... sigh.
Re: Telus Tower

Good picture, Darn Dirty. Hope your new location offers some opportunities for views of something or other!
Re: Telus Tower

DDA, I'm calling your bluff: we didn't exactly get a slew of shots of the Pinnacle Centre going up from you now did we?

I'm hoping your new office has a view of the backside of a Brad Lamb billboard.

So there!

jealous-and-can't-hide-it 42
Re: Telus Tower

Sorry interchange, but I haven't exactly been that diligent about my picture-taking or posting. I did take this one last April, though...


Unfortunately our new office is on the 19th floor of 145 King West, so the only view we get is of Metro Hall and Roy Thomson.
Re: Telus Tower

The building is BCE Place, Canada Trust Tower BTW. Our boardroom has a beautiful panoramic view of the waterfront...
Re: Telus Tower

Well, if you can see Metro Hall and Roy Thompson, then shurely you must be able to see...
Re: Telus Tower

...uh, the soon to be rising Festival Centre?

tag teamer 42

P.S. DDA: I'm not exactly the greatest contributor of pics to this forum either, so you're allowed to dismiss my various ravings...
Re: Telus Tower

That's a good point, although I don't know if I can see it from there. You need to be really high up to have an unobstructed view.
