Toronto Telus House - 25 York Street | 136.24m | 30s | Menkes | Sweeny &Co

Re: Telus Tower

The framework is being set up in the crane pit now. This building may not be tall but I think it's going to look pretty decent when done, and it will ad another layer in our skyline.
Re: Telus Tower

Yeh I think it's the best of the office projects u/c right now. Nice to see it moving along so quickly.
Re: Telus Tower

The foundation is in for the crane, cement re-bar and all! Could the crane be on it's way this weekend or next?
Re: Telus Tower

Some of the crane bits were on flat-bed truck this morning.
Re: Telus Tower

the shaft of the crane is now up.
There is also a large billboard across the street promoting 18 York Street. There is a pic of the building - large, glass, non-descript.
It is GWL properties, office space. There are the letters PFO or FPO or something like that at the top of the billboard. Not sure what that means.

If shovels go in the ground for 18 York soon, that is going to be one bitch-ass busy corner. I cant wait.
Re: Telus Tower

When it's all finished it will be fun to compare that area to what it was about three years ago.
Re: Telus Tower

That happened a lot faster then I would have thought. I wonder if there will be more then one crane here?
Re: Telus Tower

i think noob is talking about 18 york^eventually a pic will show up
This has got to be one of the best locations for an office building. Right next to Union, the hwy and connected to P.A.T.H. And all those who work there won't have to deal with the pedestrian traffic slow downs like the people who work to the north of Union. My only concern with it is what appears to be a lack of retail in the base on the ACC side. A restaurant and patio would be nice there.
You're right Andrew - it's begging for that. It's great that we're getting a public square there - let's make sure it's useful and lived-in on a daily basis - not just when events are happening at the ACC.

