Toronto TeaHouse 501 Yonge Condominiums | 170.98m | 52s | Lanterra | a—A

Don't get it it? how can banks be bad retail business when they are so it a UT thing cause it sure is not for normal people?
Banks usually sign as anchor tenants fairly early in the process. I wish condos had more foresight and designed underground or 2nd floor commercial spaces for banks, shoppers drug marts, and so on, to keep ground level retail more vibrant.
Don't get it it? how can banks be bad retail business when they are so it a UT thing cause it sure is not for normal people?

You ever been in front of a bank at 8PM? Banks have limited hours and are basically dead zones 2/3's of the day and on weekends.
Is it me, or is this project coming together quite nicely? The materials and glazing look higher quality than I expected, and there seems to be a lot going on on the lower levels. I'm hopeful this will look good.
Bring on the cladding! Let's see what these podium bits are going to look like!

