Toronto TeaHouse 501 Yonge Condominiums | 170.98m | 52s | Lanterra | a—A

March 20. You can clearly see the subway tunnel that cuts across the site diagonally.




Perhaps an opportunity was lost here to expand the tunnel with a storage or bypass track. Probably not long enough.
There are going to be two new tunnel ventilation spaces with high-capacity fans installed. Don't know if that's required by fire code when building directly on top of the tunnel, or… ?

probably the TTC cooperating with the developer as a part of their fire ventilation improvement program. I imagine this work is being at least partially financed by the TTC.
probably the TTC cooperating with the developer as a part of their fire ventilation improvement program. I imagine this work is being at least partially financed by the TTC.

It is - I've posted the plans a few pages ago, though it wasn't detailed enough to show whatever work they are doing on the roof right now.

I hate to harp on this, but all along I've been totally unimpressed with the design of this project. Architects Alliance and Lanterra should look at what is proposed at 552 Church by 3XN - now there is actual work, not $-engineered monotony. I don't think TeaHouse is bringing anything refreshing to Yonge.
