Toronto T3 Bayside | 42m | 10s | Hines | 3XN

This area is going to be really nice this summer.
The demo is starting across the street Queens Quay.


East side looking north

Looking south


I saw on IG that WT has moved their offices here. Not sure how many employees but I am sure that it helps.
I saw on IG that WT has moved their offices here. Not sure how many employees but I am sure that it helps.
Hopefully it will impress on them (if that is needed) that the damned LRT is URGENT! f we moved City Council down there, I bet it would be built quite fast! Transit First, indeed!

Toronto city council/planning obviously has many big failures over the years, but this has to be the biggest one. Planning a huge new neighbourhood and stuffing it with people and businesses, but even though it's just far enough from Union Station that nobody would realistically walk there, not providing any transit. So everybody living or working there probably has a car, even though it's a kilometre from the core of the city.
Toronto city council/planning obviously has many big failures over the years, but this has to be the biggest one. Planning a huge new neighbourhood and stuffing it with people and businesses, but even though it's just far enough from Union Station that nobody would realistically walk there, not providing any transit. So everybody living or working there probably has a car, even though it's a kilometre from the core of the city.
And the great thing about it all is that it's not going to get better anytime soon!
I still would rather live there and without a car (would they have built 1 car space per unit?) than in some suburban masterplanned skyscraper community near a rail transit station. The Distillery District is a walkable place to hang out eclipsing any subway or GO station. Access to the subway system is a great amenity. It should not define a community's success or failure as it so often does on UT. Likewise, height around transit stations when skyscraper heights are already so common among new proposals. I get the appeal of office skyscrapers and CBD skylines.. I don't think it transfer over to residential unless it's to the standard of The One, Four Seasons, Shangri-la or Billionaire Row in Manhattan.
