Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

Get over yourself. Obviously, I was correct in saying that you have confused heritage/cultural contributions with aesthetics.


Well, then again, it's noteworthy that the only one of my examples you directly commented on was OCAD. Probably because, in effect, you had nothing to say about UC/OH/StLH/US. It isn't so much that they're deficient or defective in and of themselves; more that they're simply remote, if not altogether severed from, your "entirely subjective" aesthetic universe--y'know, "heritage/cultural contributions" = irrelevant old crocks that speak in a lingo that's remote from your own. That's what makes them "deficient" you. And it's as silly to "force them upon you" as it is to force Segovia upon your average Yngwie Malmsteen diehard. I guess. I suppose...

Sorry to deflate your ego just a little bit, but aesthetics are entirely subjective. I should have every right to place Trump in My list of Toronto's all time most aesthetically pleasing buildings without being called ignorant.

And on the same grounds of freedom of speech that you're claiming, I (and anyone else) should have the right to override the last four words in the above statement. Otherwise...why have standards of urban aesthetics and judgment at all?

You have to realize: your taste may be your taste, but there are people here that have more knowledge and perspective than you--enough to shoot some mighty big holes in your, uh, "taste logic".

Ironically, your egotistic post exudes ignorance.

Ignorance of what? I guess in the same way that Santorum/Tea Party types find ivory-tower pointy-heads "ignorant"...

Ah, no wonder people like Urban Shocker have abandoned UT.
I understand where amda comes from since it is tiring reading the constant "Why isn't this 20/50/15120449435 stories higher?!?!!!" or "KWT/Vaughn is such a anti-development/communist/freak of nature for having a meeting/pre-conceived opinion!!!!!!", but the over-the-top language and especially the snarky insults are painful to read. Surely they are better ways to make the person you're arguing with look like an idiot without calling them an idiot, even if you use a thesaurus to do it.

Also the ignore list is your friend. Unless you want a hernia, in which case continue arguing and getting banned.
honestly adma, you're a joke. I've seen you banned like 3 times now and it's hilarious every time. Would you actually say these things to someone's face?

Why not? And hey, if you want to put that to a test, we can arrange to meet, or something.

And look at it this way: through all those temporary bans, my ID remains intact--unlike various serial trolls/pests who've tried to repeatedly weasel in through various alternate sockpuppet IDs.

You aren't ignorant you're just an egghead. You sound like you love the smell of your own farts.

Y'know, reading a review in the paper today, I was reminded of the concept of uncompetence --indeed, when it comes to architectural judgment, what DtTO reflects is the epitome of uncompetence.

There is a difference between incompetence and uncompetence. Incompetence is when people make bad decisions. Uncompetence is when people start to suspect that competence is something the elites do, and think to themselves, “I should perhaps do something else.”
Everyone had quite enough? I have. Take the hint, all involved.

Trump is heading to Vancouver.......Donald Trump eyes a Vancouver presence on site of nixed Ritz-Carlton project

CBC News reported that a deal is close for a Trump Tower on the site of the cancelled Ritz-Carlton hotel-condo project that was designed by Arthur Erickson as a twisting 60-storey tower that would have been Vancouver’s second tallest.
Considering how many people in Toronto tried to get out of their closings in Trump why would anyone want to buy in a Trump Vancouver?
I came to the thread to see if anyone knew when the spire doodad was coming down, and the consensus seems to be who knows? So, if any Official Trump People are listening, please, set the spire free from its doodad embrace! It's embarrassing explaining it to out-of-towners.

And not to belabour my favourite hobby-horse, but there is still a chunk of teal glass missing about 10-12 floors up on the west facade. I assume someone has noticed. It's not terribly visible from the street.
We all know Trump doesn't care about appearances, I assume you've seen the squirrel pelt on his head?

Trump, the person, has nothing to do with the design or execution of this project. He is little more than a brand and partial financier of the project. The above post adds nothing to the conversation and it is a tired joke on this thread
I have noticed a couple things over the past week as I walk by Trump.

They now have a large "Valet Parking" sign in front. The valets also appear to be whistling, waving and yelling at drivers passing by. Not sure if this would be considered normal... but for some reason it doesnt seem to go with the perceived "Trump brand".

They also used to have a picture of some diamonds in the lattice by the entry windows, that has been removed and now there are just some wires hanging there.

Seems to be going downhill even before it's finished.
