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by me




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Barf ..

They couldn't have chosen granite that looks like concrete if they tried any harder.

This will look terrible in pictures, it's a little better in person.

I tend to agree with this sentiment.

I am holding out hope that they will spray the granite with some sort of substance that will "Season" it. The way a butcher's block is seasoned with essential oils and the wood darkens. Picture the difference in appearance of dry concrete and rain-soaked concrete.

Maybe for all our photographers out there, there is a lesson in that somewhere... Only take pictures of Trump after a torrential rainfall.

It's tall but Trump Tower is shaping up to be one of the most hideous bvildings in the core. the colors, little stupid punched windows...

Can i get a hell-ya?


ah forget it, you all love this suburban stinker...
You're not from around these parts are you?

You would be correct.

Without checking a hundred previous pages of trivial dribble, would you say that most members here think the Trump is a heap of 'concrete & prefablum' -so far? i mean, architecturally, it's laughable.
I dunno, Im no troll, but I am not impressed to much so far with Trump, although i will wait until it is totally completed to see how the entire structure, with top works from afar and up close.
I love how trolls make their presence felt immediately.

:confused:why would you call me a troll? are we not supposed to haver 'strong' opinions if we are 'new' here?
i find your post offensive.

OMG Caltrane!!!!! thanks SOO much for the updates! We haven't gotten any for a while and i believe you're the first to capture the new cladding!!!!! I freakin love the new cladding! Especially the steel beams that go through them! it makes it look ALOT better than just plain cladding! I'm getting ready to say goodbye to the granite.. slowly, and slowly, it will become all glass!!!!!

Anyone know the floor count?... i think we're somewhere around the 27th level by now....
Other than height, it adds nothing new or exciting to Toronto architecturally. I think as is it would suit Cow-town or Ottawa very nicely though.

Well... i kinda like it cause we don't see too many buildings with "spires" as part of the design anymore... Telus towers spire was cancelled so i guess this building will stand out a little... i do like the design and how it looks from Bay and Adelaide.. The lantern and spire look pretty unique imo. Aside from architecture, its pretty cool having a trump tower in your city :D!
Can i get a hell-ya?

Hell Ya! For the height, name and location this building is a huge failure. The architecture is dated and uninspired, the choices materials are disgusting and hello, it's 2010 not 1980. This tower could have been a new beacon in downtown Toronto. Unfortunately now all it will do is add to it's density while hopefully hiding behind Scotia, First and Bay Adelaide.
Other than height, it adds nothing new or exciting to Toronto architecturally. I think as is it would suit Cow-town or Ottawa very nicely though.

Wouldn't be allowed in Ottawa - way too tall.

I'm just curious: every building that does not add something "new" or "exciting" is a failure?
