Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

Yeah, great video.

B/A does look great in those shots, but unfortunately it's nowhere as reflective or shiny or crystalline in real life.
Very epic aerial photos! The space that trump will fill looks HUGE from above! From ground level you don't appreciate as much as an impact trump will have on the skyline :D

Its completely visible from above which is great news! But this thing is gonna more than double the size! sweeeeet :D
Fortunately, it'll be blocked from view from most perspectives by the buildings surrounding it.

Trump is now visable from Riverdale park - I am actually concerened about how significantly it will block BMO from this view... I really love the feeling of energy and life that seems to sit intangibly upon the horizon at night, almost invoking a place not unlike the end of a rainbow, visible but yet seemingly unreachable.. I find the look of BMO with its grandure and transparent windows that allow the light to escape in radience is fundamental to this abstraction..

At the same time I am quite excited to see it now from this view - I remmebr first hearing about this project wayyy back when, can't remember now, was it 2004? Now that it is turning into something real, esp as it graces the majestic view that I have seemingly romanticized, that has been a part of my life for so long.. I look forward to the effect the scale of the building will have (height vs breadth). Corralled by the grandiose but traditional scale of the country's tallest and largest buildings; BMO, Scotia, CIBC and BA especially, the evocation of such a play on form could inspire eternal awe.. Though also I find myself fearing a future of mourning, as I face the last summer to sit so insignificantly upon the slope of the river valley, to once again gaze towards the skyline bright and full of life as it has always been, every night the same, no matter what I faced, no matter how hard things got, it was always the same, always comforting. Now this view will change forever, and just for that reason, I bare some apprehension.
When I say this hkric, I mean no offense at all, as it was a charming post. However, it was also the most emo post I have ever read on UT haha.
When I say this hkric, I mean no offense at all, as it was a charming post. However, it was also the most emo post I have ever read on UT haha.

LOL none taken! I'm honoured ~ :eek:
Haha, okay :)

I imagine when the WTC towers in NYC were gone, it was a very empty feeling for people that live in NYC to see these huge towers missing from the skyline. Any kind of visible change in the skyline that you've been looking at for years, is going to stir feelings I think, for anyone.
Hkric I enjoyed your post and found your description of the core quite moving, evoking Manhattan from Jersey or Hong Kong from the harbour. Most of us appreciate the rousing literary flourish you, and your close second UrbanShocker, display from time to time.
by me


New Trump Toronto video from the official channel on Youtube:

From the vid: "I like Toronto cause its a little bit smaller (than major American cities)". Aside from NYC, Chicago and LA, what the hell is he talking about? lmao
