Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

Will this tower go up fast given the small floorplate, compared to RBC or BA for example?
I believe V Dub, our crane operator friend on the Vu site said the correct term was "climb". They climbed the crane.
Noticed today that the crane has been jumped.

I propose "Jumped the crane" be adopted as the colloquialism-du-jour to denote a development that has gone irretrievably off the rails, or by extension, a developer who has gone off the deep end. (Paging Harry S...)

(Not that I'm suggesting for a second that this particular development has come close to jumping the crane. I'll wait til it gets to the 59th floor before making that prediction.)
It will but the rumour starters will just choose another floor. For instance, I heard that they builders cannot pass the 12th floor because they are a superstitious bunch.

Uh, no. Some suggested the 7th floor because then they could operate the parking that was intended for the building. No, I don't believe that, but I am pointing out that it would make some sense.
