Toronto SIX50 King West | ?m | 16s | Freed | Core Architects

1 September 2012:



Chunky, with the unclad pillars looking like a budget deprivation and the brick looking like an afterthought
There's a bit too much going on with this design for it to really feel self-confident. The exposed columns on the upper floors make it look especially fussy, as if the building was some kind of prop designed by an art department that needed a piece of machinery to look as complicated as possible - except for the north face, which is a complete cipher. (I'm guessing that's in part a hedge against future development facing that wall?)

That said, it has some nice strong lines in there, and I like the massing, especially from the southwest - it knows where to break and step back. A neat addition to the downtown jumble.
SNF, interesting. It's not perfect, but I find this to be one of the better projects in the past few years. I agree that without the columns would have been cleaner, which I think is what you're saying, but I still don't mind them. Though part of me wishes they lined up vertically or made more sense visually as apposed to just structurally.
I think it looks great. I love the hedges...I also love the shape of it. It's all over the place. Well done, Freed!
Does the building on Bathurst St. have its own lobby on Bathurst?
I can't seem to remember seeing one walking by it the other day.

It will be interesting to see how this half of the block will look like with Musée and Oneeleven completed.
Interesting design, but it's ultimately marred by the plasticky looking finishings that are all too common with Toronto condos. It's tough to explain, but it has that snap together catalogue look that's so ubiquitous these days. Some colour or contrast would've helped a lot; the light concrete banding should've been stark white against the dark brick and window framing.

Oh well, it's better than something not quite as good I guess
A welcome to the neighbourhood tag.

Pic taken Nov 26, 2012

To be fair...that wall's too easy.

What is "fair" about it? It's vandalism. As for being "easy," one shouldn't give a pass to an idiot on such a presumption. It makes other people pine for security cameras to be installed everywhere or to have security guards roam around. I'd prefer that the few vandal idiots smarten up (or to have some of their fingers removed) over the installation of a panopticon environment.
