Toronto SIX50 King West | ?m | 16s | Freed | Core Architects

Miscreant: kind of a dick thing to say. I assume you're rich and can afford a much nicer place. Post some pics of your place so I can dump on them.
Interesting pictures. Basically a cramped unit with a terrible view, poor layout, and a paltry kitchen with barely enough cabinets for one person's dish- and kitchenware. I'd walk in and walk out.

Some people don't need acres of space within an apartment. Personally that'd be no more or less space than I'd need at the moment.
Nice finishes. Tastefully done.

It's very unusual that there is a wall cabinet and pendant light taking up the wall above the vanity/sink with hardly any room for a mirror. Is the mirror inside the cabinet?
Interesting pictures. Basically a cramped unit with a terrible view, poor layout, and a paltry kitchen with barely enough cabinets for one person's dish- and kitchenware. I'd walk in and walk out.

Out of curiousity where do you happen to live?
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4 August 2012: I prefer the Bathurst building, as the protruding boxes seem to be closer to the renderings.





It looks like they have started moving into the Bathurst building. I noticed a white sectional and flat screen tv in one of the lower units facing Bathurst.
Yes, the Bathurst St. building is far more interesting than the King St. building.
I really wished the white bands that wind up the building projected out from the facade of the building like in the renderings, rather than being mostly flush.
23 August 2012: Looking quite decent, although sort of dated with all that cheap glass ww:


The CRU is revealed--can you picture a 711 here? :p



My main concern with all these condos is the treatment of parking entrances off main streets. I really wish Toronto would insist---like in Vancouver for example--that vehiculer access be via rear alleys.


Only UT geeks look up:


Cafe opening in base of King West building: (Looks kind of lame though--not indie enough for me, but we'll see)


Overall, I'd rate this complex a B. With better ww--look at the Gooderham's glazing for example--it would've been been a B+
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