News   Mar 06, 2025
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News   Mar 06, 2025
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News   Mar 06, 2025
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Toronto shootings

I wonder how many of these shootings happen within and near TCHC properties. I suspect it's a lot. Perhaps TCHC needs to do a better job of vetting its tenants and securing its properties?

Here's what I'd like to see at TCHC....
1) No one with an adult criminal record can be a tenant. If your 18 y/o son is convicted of robbery, he must leave. Children (legally those under 18 y/o) convicted under the youth justice act can stay unless they're deemed a danger to the community.

2) Stop pan-generational tenancy. You don't get to live in TCHC housing for 20 years and pass it down to your kids.

3) Focus on the demographics that do not cause trouble, two parent families who are employed. The change I have seen in Regent Park has been miraculous, with the changeover from the single parent Caribbean-origin tenants to the new Muslim, two-parent families. I love seeing the Muslim families all walking together with lots of kids playing. My daughters count many of their friends in that community and I have no issues with them both going down to Regent to hang out with their newly arrived friends. This is dramatically different from the old Regent Park, where groups of thugs would intimidate and no one from outside would venture into Regent at night. The demographic switch from single parent Caribbean families to Muslim two parent families has been a huge benefit to Regent Park.
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These thugs hunted down an innocent person like an animal, while he was minding his own business :( That is truly sickening.
These thugs hunted down an innocent person like an animal,
It's time we do the same. We know where they live, TCHC projects, we know who they are, or are likely to be (young, male, single parent, school/social dropout, known to associate with gangs and drug trade, likely, by the video footage we see, of Caribbean descent, etc....) Start there, and drill down further until you have the tightest possible profile to target, and hit these guys, hard.
And in other news:

When that first shooting on a highway happened....whenever that was in the last year, I just knew it would become a new trend.

Sure enough. Another one yesterday morning. In Pickering this time.

So that's a pretty shitty trend.

Some dickheads coming from Island Mix in east Pickering.
Admiral, not to be too nit picky of your rant but your thug profile is so 1998.

Further, while most TCHC residence would have even stronger opinions about cracking down on criminals in residence there the reality is if they don’t live in TCHC where do they live?
Admiral, not to be too nit picky of your rant but your thug profile is so 1998.
Well, that's not good. The city is under siege by these assholes, so I’m all for TPS and the city reaching the narrowest and most accurate profile. You need to know your enemy in order to deal with them. Edmonton police released a profile of their gang members that seems applicable to Toronto.

It seems that so many of the gang shootings happen around TCHC that I deduce that either the gang members or their associates live there. I don’t blame the TCHC residents for keeping quiet, I would too. There’s no point in snitching to the police when these guys make bail and return to the street.
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Bumbaclooot! There was a shooting outside our building today. Afternoon. Two cars involved. Neither local, possibly as our street is a longcut to the Jameson Lakeshore/Gardiner abortion. Not sure. I didn't witness it.

This block is pretty safe. Like 9/10 safe so this is a bit bollocks, to be honest...especially considering some child could have gotten hit or someone already crippled at the rehab hospital across the road....or one of the workers doing renovations there.

Friggin dirt used up five bullets and hit all of none of their target, as per usual with these twats.

Well, that's the war on drugs for ya!

While this is a real concern, anytime I see the Toronto Police Association quoted I feel somewhat nauseous.

I mean these folks do regularly put out misinformation, defend indefensible police conduct and fearmonger.

That's not to suggest we don't have a problem to address, but whatever the TPA suggests as a solution I'm likely to think should be entirely discarded as-of-right.

We could also look at these stats. from the open data portal:


Not the year over year numbers from 2019-2020 (YTD); that's the 3rd column from the right.

Theft Over - 13%
Sexual Violation - 16%
Robbery -14%
B&E -15%
Assault -13%

Only Murder and Auto theft show a rise.

When you pro-rate the murder numbers for the year, they actually come out to a pace for 63 homicides at year end that's middling for the last 5 years and the last 20 years.

Puts us on pace for a homicide rate of roughly 2.14 (per 100,000 residents).

Lower would be better.

But a state of panic is not justified.
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