Toronto Sherbourne Common, Canada's Sugar Beach, and the Water's Edge Promenade | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto | Teeple Architects

Chilled at this beach a few evenings ago - the execution (lamp posts aside) is brilliant all round. One can only pray that our municipal government will sprinkle many more inspiring public spaces of such quality all around our fair city.
I don't think banning smoking is the solution - the problem is people casually disposing of the cigarette butts. Besides, who is going to enforce the ban? What of spaces outside that 9m radius?

It is a start. If you don't put a ban on it, people won't even consider it. With the ban, at least everyone else is aware of the ban and it's like peer pressure and people know it's wrong to drop cigarette butts there let a lone smoke there. It's just like people who litter. Your not suppose to litter, people do it - it's rarely enforced, but: people look at you poorly and if you care about how your percieved, it does matter.
I think it just it's become the norm to drop your cigarette butts where you feel like it. We need to re-educate peolpe about littering and allowing them to properly dispose of butts and other litter without going to ridiculous lengths to find a place to do so. But I am so glad I never took up this habit.
press advisory.......

Media Advisory - Official Opening of Canada's Sugar Beach and Water's Edge Promenade

TORONTO, Aug. 5 /CNW/ - Waterfront Toronto together with the Government of Canada, Province of Ontario and City of Toronto will officially open two new urban spaces that have transformed a lakefront parking lot and underused area into dynamic new waterfront attractions. The official opening of Canada's Sugar Beach and the Water's Edge Promenade (phase one) will take place on Monday, August 9.

The opening of these two new public spaces, located just east of Lower Jarvis Street in the new East Bayfront community, mark a major milestone in the revitalization of Toronto's waterfront.

WHAT: Official opening of Canada's Sugar Beach and the Water's Edge
Promenade (Phase One)

WHEN: Monday, August 9 10:30 am - 11:30 am (rain or shine)

WHERE: Canada's Sugar Beach
Entrance to the park is located on the south side of Queens Quay
Boulevard, just east of Lower Jarvis Street.

There will be limited reserved parking for media available at the
head of the Jarvis Slip. Paid parking is also available across
from the park at Loblaws.

WHO: Hon. James Flaherty, Federal Finance Minister
Hon. Brad Duguid, Ontario Minister of Energy and Infrastructure
His Worship David Miller, Mayor of Toronto

Glen Murray, MPP Toronto Centre
Pam McConnell, Toronto City Councillor
Claude Cormier, Claude Cormier Landscape Architects
Sugar Beach: A Dangerous Place For Children.

Others may disagree but I will miss David Miller - and he's FAR better than any of the current candidates!


But I've said that, probably 100+ times now ...
I was there on Saturday.......for the second time (visited in early July)

Overall many great things to be said......

But I can NOT forgive the is the single most abysmal design element Waterfront Toronto, and maybe even all of Toronto Parks&Rec has ever used.

I had hoped it was temporary for construction. But it seems not to be. It is unforgivably bad. Whoever insisted on it should be discharged from their professional duties forthwith.


That thoughts

Tree Size: Good

Tree Selection: Mixed....Acer Freeman cultivar Maples......understandable, but pure natives would have been preferable......Weeping Willow (native to China) looks completely absurd here.

Umbrellas: Good

Umbrella Colour: Ummm....not as good

Beach + Chairs: Excellent

Paving: Excellent

Benches: Excellent

Relationship to the Water: Good (again WT ignores the safety police, no big railings....EXCELLENT)

Big Grassy Hill by Queen's Quay: Why?

Big Rock: Good

Painted Stripes on Rock: unfortunate

Rating based on what it is: 8/10

Rating based on what it should have been: 6/10
Let me add:

This reminds me of HtO

Which reminds me Janet Rosenberg who has yet to design a nice public this City anyway

But I can NOT forgive the is the single most abysmal design element Waterfront Toronto, and maybe even all of Toronto Parks&Rec has ever used.

I had hoped it was temporary for construction. But it seems not to be. It is unforgivably bad. Whoever insisted on it should be discharged from their professional duties forthwith.

They are temporary - even the WT backgrounder stated that the West 8 light standard will be used.

Big grassy hill - temporary landscaping for Parcel 1 - a development site.

Thanks AOD,

I pride myself on reading up on things properly before opening my mouth, but I missed that one.
